Home / News/ OPINION: Maybe It Is Time For An Insurrection, Like 1776

OPINION: Maybe It Is Time For An Insurrection, Like 1776


Sub­mit­ted by George McClellan

At some point Amer­i­cans should say ‘enough is enough’ and actu­al­ly throw the bums out! By Bums, I specif­i­cal­ly mean the lying class of career politi­cians, Demo­c­rat and Repub­li­cans alike, who have tak­en our won­der­ful Amer­i­can Con­sti­tu­tion­al Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Gov­ern­ment and twist­ed it into a pret­zel of lying, deceit­ful, self-serv­ing, rob­bing per­vert lovers who spend more time and effort defend­ing the inde­fea­si­ble than doing what’s right for Amer­i­ca? Of spe­cial note is won­der­ing why Amer­i­cans can’t or won’t under­stand that the Demo­c­rat Par­ty is no longer a true Amer­i­can polit­i­cal par­ty but a Marxist/Socialist one intent on bring­ing our great Repub­lic to its knees and enslav­ing our cit­i­zens into an obe­di­ent class of expend­able workers!

I should take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to thank Joe Biden for his time­ly lead­er­ship in lift­ing the yoke of gov­ern­ment oppres­sion from Pres­i­dent Trump’s shoul­ders over the pos­ses­sion of a few sil­ly pieces of paper marked “Clas­si­fied” alleged­ly found in Trump’s Mar-a-Lago, FL home. If he only had a Corvette! With the dam­ag­ing rev­e­la­tions that poor senile ol’ Joe was also in pos­ses­sion of clas­si­fied gov­ern­ment doc­u­ments, can we expect FBI Hit teams to descend on Joe’s sev­er­al homes in the ear­ly morn­ing hours to root about in Dr. Jill under­wear draw­ers? Do some First Ladies wear cot­ton under­wear? Cool Repub­li­can First Ladies wear lingerie.

To Joe goes the grand prize of com­plete hyp­o­crit­i­cal irre­spon­si­bil­i­ty firm­ly cement­ing his role as Amer­i­ca’s worst politi­cian, a career lit­tered with deceit and self-aggran­dize­ment pro­tect­ed by a body­guard of lies all to hide his dis­mal life of incom­pe­tence, crim­i­nal­i­ty and, dare I say, per­ver­sion. Inter­est­ing­ly, all Democ­rats and the Lib­er­al media, feign to be “shocked, shocked” that the Repub­li­cans should seat a liar like is Rep San­tos. They stand aghast that a Repub­li­can liar beat out a long held Demo­c­rat for a New York seat in the US House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives. My take is that San­tos is a creep and a liar and should prob­a­bly not be there. How­ev­er, now that the deed is done, he should not resign nor be removed by the State GOP par­ty or any­thing like that. That removal action should wait two year until he can be removed by the vot­ers in his dis­trict because his removal lessens by one vote the GOP major­i­ty. Sec­ond point, he should counter their demands by demand­ing the fol­low­ing Democ­rats be asked to resign for their his­to­ry of lying start­ing with: Indi­an Princess Liz War­ren, pornog­ra­ph­er Bernie Sanders, Marine Corps com­bat hero, Richard Blu­men­thal, email scam artist Adam Schiff, Eric, the “Fang Fang” lov­ing Stal­well, Chi­nese Spy mas­ter Diane Fein­stein and wealthy stock trad­er Nan­cy Pelosi just for a start. There’s a few Repub­li­cans we can talk about too but, like the Democ­rats, we need those votes now too.

Joe can’t escape. The rev­e­la­tions have been too easy. With the sec­ond or third find­ings of “clas­si­fied” doc­u­ments in Joe’s pos­ses­sions, I sus­pect that Joe has final­ly reached his rubi­con. He is a cat­a­stroph­ic dan­ger not only to Amer­i­ca, but to the Demo­c­rat Party’s place in Amer­i­can pol­i­tics. Their seems to be few Democ­rats any longer seri­ous­ly con­cerned about Joes “clas­si­fied” doc­u­ments prob­lem, except by that twit Karine Jean-Pierre. With­out Joe, she wouldn’t have a job any­more.  The Democ­rats have set in motion Joe’s removal. Joe’s DoJ Attor­ney Gen­er­al announced the appoint­ment of a Spe­cial Coun­cil on Joe. It remains to be seen how it plays out. Will FBI Direc­tor Christo­pher Wray announce that no “Pros­e­cu­tor would pos­si­bly bring this to tri­al” except it should be Don­ald Trump? Joe can’t stay in pow­er. The Democ­rats know that and we want him gone too. I actu­al­ly think the House will inves­ti­gate Joe Biden for Impeach­ment, God knows, they already have enough mate­r­i­al, and the Sen­ate will sit on the tri­al until the end of Joe’s four year term then maybe impeach him. Why? Nobody wants Kamala Har­ris any­where near the Oval Office even for two short years. She might sell the place to Jamaica. Thanks again Joe, you’re the man!

It’s been two years and Joe’s destruc­tion of Amer­i­ca is about half over but in the wake of his poli­cies, the destruc­tion is incal­cu­la­ble. A trai­tor still sits as the Chair­man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. And, an incom­pe­tent boob, Pete Buttigieg just proved he is the most worth­less cab­i­net mem­ber in decades. It’s the lit­tle things that mat­ter, like rerout­ing a stalled Amtrak pas­sen­ger trains around a derail­ment, fix­ing a FAA Com­put­er prob­lem with­out clos­ing down the friend­ly sky’s, tend­ing to roads and bridges main­te­nance, jet­ting around the world for vaca­tions in pri­vate planes. It’s that sort of thing that counts against you. You get the picture?

We have the very seri­ous prob­lem of the Direc­tor of Home­land Secu­ri­ty, May­orkas, insist­ing the bor­der is secure when clear­ly it isn’t. He’s a liar and needs to be impeached or removed as does the Attor­ney Gen­er­al, Mer­rick Gar­land who orches­trates two set of crim­i­nal rules, one for Amer­i­cans and the oth­er for Democ­rats. The dam­age done to the “Jus­tice for All” rep­u­ta­tions of the FBI and DoJ, is immea­sur­able. Loss of trust is the first casu­al­ty. Many FBI agents, like many unsup­port­ed police­men every­where, are quit­ting or retir­ing their jobs by the num­bers to be replaced by affir­ma­tive action tropes to meet Marx­ist goals for diver­si­ty, equi­ty, and inclu­sion. That same rule applies to our very bro­ken sys­tem of edu­ca­tion. Whites and Asians need not apply. Nation­al Mer­it Schol­ar­ship’s will be with­held so as not to hurt the feel­ings of the less com­pe­tent or unqual­i­fied lest their egos be dam­aged. Equi­ty, isn’t it wonderful?

The list of offens­es goes on. Jan­u­ary 6, 2021 wasn’t an insur­rec­tion by any def­i­n­i­tion. It was a craven attempt by Democ­rats to paint com­plain­ing Amer­i­cans as domes­tic ter­ror­ists. When all this shakes out, I sus­pect Judges who par­tic­i­pat­ed in Pelosi’s kan­ga­roo court pro­ceed­ings send­ing vio­la­tors of minor infrac­tions to long prison terms, shall them­selves be tried for their trea­so­nous par­tic­i­pa­tion in Amer­i­c­as destruc­tion. We’re not out of the woods yet. Keep a wary eye on the RiNO’s now run­ning the show. They can still ruin every­thing, prob­a­bly will. Maybe anoth­er 1776 exer­cise is around the corner?

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now go get ‘em! (12Jan23)



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