Home / News/ OPINION: The Collapse Is Coming, Isnt it?

OPINION: The Collapse Is Coming, Isnt it?

Sub­mit­ted by George McClel­lan

Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump is unques­tion­ably the most effec­tive pres­i­dent the Unit­ed States has had since Lin­coln end­ed the Civ­il War. I do not ignore Ronald Rea­gans con­tri­bu­tion to great­ness because his place in his­to­ry is assured being respon­si­ble with Mag­gie Thatch­er, for end­ing the Cold War and the Sovi­et Union. But he did­nt face the unre­lent­ing attempts by his ene­mies to send him to jail on trumped up charges of malfea­sance or crim­i­nal­i­ty. Trump was and hes won every time win­ning in the end, the love and affec­tion of con­ser­v­a­tive Amer­i­cans.

By 2016, Amer­i­ca was almost firm­ly in the grip of the fel­low trav­el­ing morons of Marx­ism, Democ­rats and RiNOs but, in an unguard­ed moment of self-sat­is­fac­tion, they did­nt see the train com­ing that was Don­ald Trump and his gal­va­niz­ing mes­sage to Make Amer­i­ca Great Again. In an instant, Trump snatched Amer­i­ca away from that awful prospect send­ing the Marx­ist Left into deranged bouts of fear and loathing that sticks to this very day. They trem­ble in fear that Trumps sen­si­ble pro-Amer­i­can con­ser­v­a­tive poli­cies took root and would be res­ur­rect­ed because of the dis­as­trous poli­cies of a non com­pos men­tis Joe Biden. Trump now lives in their night­mares like a tox­ic virus slow­ly eat­ing away at their false pre­sump­tions, ridi­cul­ing their crimes and ignor­ing their fail­ures to erase him from the board. The fear that Trump will indeed return like a tri­umphant Roman Gen­er­als once did through the gates of Rome, is dri­ving em nuts. They dont know how to stop his on-com­ing train and will try any­thing, fool­ish or not, to make it hap­pen. They could get lucky but theyll have to cheat again to do it. Accord­ing­ly, the derange Left and their RiNO cohorts, ie: the Uni-Par­ty, is los­ing their cog­ni­tive abil­i­ty to act ratio­nal­ly as they cast about seek­ing the for­mu­la of crim­i­nal­i­ty they can pin on the Orange Man to put him in prison so hes for­ev­er out of the run­ning. Their last grand scheme, the FBIs raid on Trumps Flori­da res­i­dence, was a real­ly des­per­ate chance to make Pres­i­dent Trump appear to be a dan­ger to nation­al secu­ri­ty. It has blown up in their faces when the incom­pe­tent born los­er, Joe Biden was found to be a greater dan­ger to nation­al secu­ri­ty then Trump ever was. What did the Mar-a-Lago raid accom­plish? It proved the FBI is a politi­cized enforce­ment arm of the Demo­c­rat Social­ist Par­ty. Who can trust em any­more?

Now, they waste their time and ener­gy try­ing to excul­pate senile ol Joe, insist­ing that Trump still remains the great­est dan­ger to Amer­i­can democ­ra­cy. Its too late, the dam­age is done, peo­ple are los­ing their faith in gov­ern­ment and with every stum­ble the Democ­rats make in their attempt to end Trumps career, the grow­ing out­rage against their con­spir­a­cies against him, the Wokeism trans­gen­derism, per­ver­sion and CRT indoc­tri­na­tion being forced upon our lit­tle chil­dren, will spark a real insur­rec­tion against the Left that could end their prospects for a cen­tu­ry. Think of this, the Lefts Defund the Police scheme has weak­ened civil­ian police agen­cies to the point theyre unwill­ing to be drawn into a 1776 style rebel­lion pro­tect­ing our cor­rupt gov­ern­ment so, theyll stay aloof. Like the BLM and Antifa rad­i­cals tear­ing up Amer­i­can cities with­out con­se­quence, you (we) might get away with it too.

Symp­toms of Demo­c­rat derange­ment are evi­dent in the grow­ing paper trail of schemes theyve launched to keep their pow­er and squelch polit­i­cal dis­sent. Gov­ern­ment is like a sieve. No polit­i­cal secret is so sacro­sanct it can be kept secret for­ev­er and allow­ing Elon Musk to pur­chase Twit­ter opened the Pan­do­ra’s Box of their con­spir­a­cies. Twit­ter email evi­dence proves unques­tion­ably the FBIs involve­ment in silenc­ing the dis­sent­ing voic­es of con­ser­v­a­tive opin­ions on pub­lic plat­forms and at pub­lic school boards. They include direct orders from US Gov­ern­ment agen­cies, espe­cial­ly the FBI and DoJ, demand­ing that Twit­ter, Face­book, et al cen­sor all dis­sent­ing con­ser­v­a­tive com­ments. Social Medias com­pli­ance to those requests appears to be a crim­i­nal con­spir­a­cy by agen­cies of the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment with the social media plat­forms to vio­late the Hatch Act as well as the First amend­ment of the US Con­sti­tu­tion. Clear­ly, the FBI has become the law enforce­ment vehi­cle used to pro­tect the evil that is the Demo­c­rat par­ty. I see it col­laps­ing!

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, go get em! (13Jan23)

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