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OPINION: The Awful Legacy of the Democrat Party


Sub­mit­ted by George McClellan

I’ve said often enough that what­ev­er nefar­i­ous crimes Democ­rats accuse Repub­li­cans of doing is pre­cise­ly what the democ­rats are doing them­selves. But Democ­rats try to excul­pate them­selves from those very crimes using not so clever rhetoric. For exam­ple, we see Biden’s idiot spokesper­son, Breath­less, in a state of deep con­cern, brows fur­rowed, uses words like: “inad­ver­tent,” com­mon error, and the pres­i­dent “will ful­ly coop­er­ate with author­i­ties,” like Trump didn’t! That’s non­sense of course but on Biden’s orders, and he deserves all the cred­it,  DoJ attor­ney gen­er­al Mer­ritt Gar­land sent a FBI hit squad in the dark of night, to con­duct a search and seizure of Trumps Mar-a-Lago home. No such embar­rass­ing “Raid” by an FBI SWAT Squad has yet even been con­tem­plat­ed on Joe’s homes and offices because “Joe is coop­er­at­ing ful­ly.” How about that? Joe’s spokesper­son claimed that when the doc­u­ments were found, his unvet­ted per­son­al lawyers imme­di­ate­ly noti­fied the Archive records keep­ers (not the FBI) to return them to gov­ern­ment cus­tody. “‘The pres­i­dent,’ she say’s t’akes han­dling of clas­si­fied doc­u­ments very seri­ous­ly’” unlike  that awful ‘Don­ald Trump.” How about that? Joe’s “Top Secret” (T/S) document(s) was safe­ly tucked away in box­es next to his old Corvette in a secured garage.

With the House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives in con­ser­v­a­tive hands, we just might start to see move­ment back to the right. When Trump returns in 2024, it should be become a flood. Amer­i­cans are weary of the con­stant con­tra­dic­to­ry, lying crap the Democ­rats have been feed­ing them for years like the Jan 6 busi­ness that is quick­ly turn­ing into a fias­co. Polit­i­cal secrets can’t be hid­den for long. We learn now that the “Top Secret” doc­u­ments found in Joe’s pos­ses­sion occurred before the 2022 midterm elec­tions, not after. Joe called Trump ‘irre­spon­si­ble’ for hav­ing clas­si­fied doc­u­men­t’s found in his Flori­da res­i­dence. That’s not fly­ing so Trump has escaped anoth­er attack against him. And real­ly, as long as Hillary Clin­ton remains free walk­ing the streets, Amer­i­cans aren’t going to sup­port the Democ­ra­t’s attacks on Don­ald Trump.

In the end, for Democ­rats crime will catch up with ‘em, affect­ing oth­er Left­ist led juris­dic­tions like the sev­er­al Cities and Blue States now in decline. Can they expect the Fed­er­al Gov­ern­ment to save them? Don’t bet on it, there’s no more mon­ey. Democ­rats have two more years, with­out the GOP House ’s help, to fin­ish their “Great Reset.” By then, Amer­i­ca may have been turned into a full fledged police state, seiz­ing guns and arrest­ing MAGA sup­port­ers. The Jan 6 tri­als of mis­de­meanants have already proven that. Due Process has already been trashed and Sovi­et style show tri­als will fill pris­ons with MAGA dis­senters as ene­mies of the state. The intro­duc­tion of CRT has set the stage. Com­plain against trans­gen­ders enter­tain­ing your lit­tle chil­dren in schools, you’re a dis­senter. Com­plain about CTR being taught and you’re a dis­senter. Dis­agree with diver­si­ty, inclu­sive­ness and equi­ty and you’re an ene­my of the state to be dealt with accord­ing­ly. Unless we stop it we are enter­ing George Orwells 1984. Present­ly, the Left’s main tar­get is the White race, the one that made Amer­i­ca Great, whose young men and women vol­un­teered for the mil­i­tary in droves fol­low­ing 9/11, who still believe their oaths to pro­tect and defend the Con­sti­tu­tion of the US mean some­thing. Instinc­tive­ly, Amer­i­cans hate losers and the Demo­c­rat par­ty is a par­ty of losers, moral­ly, eco­nom­i­cal­ly and polit­i­cal­ly. Social­ism, the Dems great reset for exert­ing top down gov­ern­ment con­trol while at the same time, evis­cer­at­ing Amer­i­c­as econ­o­my is the phi­los­o­phy of losers. Race is only impor­tant to White Lib­er­al Democ­rats who pur­sue uncon­sti­tu­tion­al poli­cies to exclude Whites and Asians, a new dis­crim­i­na­tion cre­at­ing new vic­tims and new mas­ters, not on the basis of abil­i­ty but on skin col­or. To Democ­rats, the orig­i­nal par­ty of the Ku Klux Klan, Jim Crow Laws and Derd Scott deci­sions, Blacks have no val­ue except as usable vic­tims. It has always been so and will always remain so with Democ­rats in charge. Trump can­not make Amer­i­ca great again because it isn’t great now thanks to Joe Biden.

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (15Jan23)

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