OPINION: The Five Stages of Societal Collapse
Submitted by George McClellan
Foreseeing the collapse of Democrat Joe Bidens Progressive government languishing as it is in the squalor of moral decay, financial dysphoria, criminal money laundering, selling political influence to foreign governments and basically just tearing down America so the least qualified among us are not offended, was foretold by a Russian nearly a decade ago and I reported it then (9/16/16). His name was Dmitry Orlov who had identified for us the five stages societal collapse. Here it is again, amended.
First is financial collapse, caused when we spend money we dont have and dont replace it except by the printing press. Its called deficit spending and results in a growing debt well never be able to repay. Our debt today is made worse because the use of money has been made fungible. Foreign governments who have loaned us money so we can enjoy the good life made major investment interests in our ability to create profits. Most of us use deficit spending to live our daily lives by using credit cards. In doing so, we are in fact spending money we dont have. Families do it, the government does it and businesses do it. This is deficit spending and it mounts up as a pile of debt, a massive one for government, now in the trillions of dollars. Pay your credit card off monthly and you have no problem. Dont, and watch how fast the debt on the interest alone piles up. Whats going to happen when that debt is called in by the coming worldwide financial collapse? When the crash comes, you will need cash, gold or silver or Bic cigarettes lighters and cartons of cigarettes just to survive. Plastic wont do it. Our banks will close and ATMs, like bank deposit accounts will be quickly emptied by the government if the thieves dont get to them first.
Second: Our nave faith in “business as usual” evaporates immediately. In a futile attempt to remain solvent banks will soak up depositors savings and checking accounts maybe leaving non-negotiable IOUs, then they will close (Crash). Businesses will also close because they cant buy inventory or pay off their debt., suppliers will close because they cant buy raw materials or sell em and for all bankruptcy also follows. The recent government generated pandemic crisis has shown us the picture we will soon face again.
Third: When the “commercial collapse described above comes, our only good use for a credit card will be to scrape ice or bug spots off our cars windshield, even if we could drive it. You wont drive for long because there will be no gas to buy or electricity to charge your over priced EV rendering our investments in those modes of transportation all but useless.
Fourth: loss of faith that the market shall provide. The market will collapse. Commercial trucks, unable to take produce to market will see food market shelves swept clean in mere hours while harvests rot in the fields. If you do not believe violence and anarchy will soon follow, I remind you of the annual post Thanksgiving shopping exercise called Black Friday sales where plenty of products are in stores and where the least affluent among us turn the shopping exercise on that one day into a war zone. Its brutal! Today, we see the off-spring of those less affluent shoppers simply flood a business and strip it clean of its products in mere minutes.
Fifth stage: political collapse. This is what we are approaching right now because the faith that “the government would take care of us” evaporates. This applies especially to the less affluent, government dependent slaves of the inner cities who enjoy nothing except what the government provides or they can loot. They may survive because deprivation is all they have known. Theyll still get hungry and will start predatory forays into the suburbs stealing and killing as they go just to satisfy the frustrations they have built up for generations by government handouts that have ceased. Its happening already, isnt it?
Combined, the five stages enumerated for us by Dmitry Orlov will ensure continuance of the social and cultural enmity between the races, create distrust between neighbors, families and friends. Producers and takers, who are already known, will be singled out for their contribution or targeted for exclusion. That’s already started by Woke institutions denying Whites and Asians a seat at the educational table. Any faith that neighbors once had that “your people will take care of you” is gone as is any remaining faith in the goodness of humanity. Survivors will Tribal up, form into protective units as clans or families (tribes), select and reject leaders, make and enforce rules of individual and group conduct, develop systems of defense, food production and distribution and settle in until an acceptable government is mutually formed and agreed upon. Our American Civil War gives us that experience. Thats our future. Look to Venezuela today as an example of whats coming if we dont stick with the Constitution weve lived under successfully for the past 250+ years. Never, ever, abandon the First or Second amendments of the US Constitution. The democrats have and thats why we are where we are today, governed by a rogue criminal cartel of business and government that eschews the Constitution and the rule of law unless it helps them. Were in for a rough ride ahead so get ready!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitutions the way. Now, go get em! (16 Sept 2016)