Home / News/ OPINION: The Five Stages of Societal Collapse

OPINION: The Five Stages of Societal Collapse

Sub­mit­ted by George McClel­lan

Fore­see­ing the col­lapse of Demo­c­rat Joe Bidens Pro­gres­sive gov­ern­ment lan­guish­ing as it is in the squalor of moral decay, finan­cial dys­pho­ria, crim­i­nal mon­ey laun­der­ing, sell­ing polit­i­cal influ­ence to for­eign gov­ern­ments and basi­cal­ly just tear­ing down Amer­i­ca so the least qual­i­fied among us are not offend­ed, was fore­told by a Russ­ian near­ly a decade ago and I report­ed it then (9/16/16). His name was Dmit­ry Orlov who had iden­ti­fied for us the five stages soci­etal col­lapse. Here it is again, amend­ed.

First is finan­cial col­lapse, caused when we spend mon­ey we dont have and dont replace it except by the print­ing press. Its called deficit spend­ing and results in a grow­ing debt well nev­er be able to repay. Our debt today is made worse because the use of mon­ey has been made fun­gi­ble. For­eign gov­ern­ments who have loaned us mon­ey so we can enjoy the good life made major invest­ment inter­ests in our abil­i­ty to cre­ate prof­its. Most of us use deficit spend­ing to live our dai­ly lives by using cred­it cards. In doing so, we are in fact spend­ing mon­ey we dont have. Fam­i­lies do it, the gov­ern­ment does it and busi­ness­es do it. This is deficit spend­ing and it mounts up as a pile of debt, a mas­sive one for gov­ern­ment, now in the tril­lions of dol­lars. Pay your cred­it card off month­ly and you have no prob­lem. Dont, and watch how fast the debt on the inter­est alone piles up. Whats going to hap­pen when that debt is called in by the com­ing world­wide finan­cial col­lapse? When the crash comes, you will need cash, gold or sil­ver or Bic cig­a­rettes lighters and car­tons of cig­a­rettes just to sur­vive. Plas­tic wont do it. Our banks will close and ATMs, like bank deposit accounts will be quick­ly emp­tied by the gov­ern­ment if the thieves dont get to them first.

Sec­ond: Our nave faith in “busi­ness as usu­al” evap­o­rates imme­di­ate­ly. In a futile attempt to remain sol­vent banks will soak up depos­i­tors sav­ings and check­ing accounts maybe leav­ing non-nego­tiable IOUs, then they will close (Crash). Busi­ness­es will also close because they cant buy inven­to­ry or pay off their debt., sup­pli­ers will close because they cant buy raw mate­ri­als or sell em and for all bank­rupt­cy also fol­lows. The recent gov­ern­ment gen­er­at­ed pan­dem­ic cri­sis has shown us the pic­ture we will soon face again.

Third: When the “com­mer­cial col­lapse described above comes, our only good use for a cred­it card will be to scrape ice or bug spots off our cars wind­shield, even if we could dri­ve it. You wont dri­ve for long because there will be no gas to buy or elec­tric­i­ty to charge your over priced EV ren­der­ing our invest­ments in those modes of trans­porta­tion all but use­less.

Fourth: loss of faith that the mar­ket shall pro­vide. The mar­ket will col­lapse. Com­mer­cial trucks, unable to take pro­duce to mar­ket will see food mar­ket shelves swept clean in mere hours while har­vests rot in the fields. If you do not believe vio­lence and anar­chy will soon fol­low, I remind you of the annu­al post Thanks­giv­ing shop­ping exer­cise called Black Fri­day sales where plen­ty of prod­ucts are in stores and where the least afflu­ent among us turn the shop­ping exer­cise on that one day into a war zone. Its bru­tal! Today, we see the off-spring of those less afflu­ent shop­pers sim­ply flood a busi­ness and strip it clean of its prod­ucts in mere min­utes.

Fifth stage: polit­i­cal col­lapse. This is what we are approach­ing right now because the faith that “the gov­ern­ment would take care of us” evap­o­rates. This applies espe­cial­ly to the less afflu­ent, gov­ern­ment depen­dent slaves of the inner cities who enjoy noth­ing except what the gov­ern­ment pro­vides or they can loot. They may sur­vive because depri­va­tion is all they have known. Theyll still get hun­gry and will start preda­to­ry for­ays into the sub­urbs steal­ing and killing as they go just to sat­is­fy the frus­tra­tions they have built up for gen­er­a­tions by gov­ern­ment hand­outs that have ceased. Its hap­pen­ing already, isnt it?

Com­bined, the five stages enu­mer­at­ed for us by Dmit­ry Orlov will ensure con­tin­u­ance of the social and cul­tur­al enmi­ty between the races, cre­ate dis­trust between neigh­bors, fam­i­lies and friends. Pro­duc­ers and tak­ers, who are already known, will be sin­gled out for their con­tri­bu­tion or tar­get­ed for exclu­sion. That’s already start­ed by Woke insti­tu­tions deny­ing Whites and Asians a seat at the edu­ca­tion­al table. Any faith that neigh­bors once had that “your peo­ple will take care of you” is gone as is any remain­ing faith in the good­ness of human­i­ty. Sur­vivors will Trib­al up, form into pro­tec­tive units as clans or fam­i­lies (tribes), select and reject lead­ers, make and enforce rules of indi­vid­ual and group con­duct, devel­op sys­tems of defense, food pro­duc­tion and dis­tri­b­u­tion and set­tle in until an accept­able gov­ern­ment is mutu­al­ly formed and agreed upon. Our Amer­i­can Civ­il War gives us that expe­ri­ence. Thats our future. Look to Venezuela today as an exam­ple of whats com­ing if we dont stick with the Con­sti­tu­tion weve lived under suc­cess­ful­ly for the past 250+ years. Nev­er, ever, aban­don the First or Sec­ond amend­ments of the US Con­sti­tu­tion. The democ­rats have and thats why we are where we are today, gov­erned by a rogue crim­i­nal car­tel of busi­ness and gov­ern­ment that eschews the Con­sti­tu­tion and the rule of law unless it helps them. Were in for a rough ride ahead so get ready!

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tions the way. Now, go get em! (16 Sept 2016)

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