Home / News/ OPINION: The Lasting Legacy of Joe Biden — Total and Complete Failure

OPINION: The Lasting Legacy of Joe Biden — Total and Complete Failure


Sub­mit­ted by George McClellan

Is it acci­den­tal or on pur­pose? Review the soci­ety chang­ing game plan of Saul Alin­sky and you’ll have your answer. I don’t pre­tend Joe has any knowl­edge of Alinsky’s game plan him­self but he’s mak­ing it hap­pen. He’s now the face of Amer­i­c­as destruc­tion! Have you seen the videos of Joe Biden in Hiroshi­ma, Japan this week? Noth­ing spe­cial there we haven’t seen often enough already but, we’ll not see ‘em on the main stream media, only inter­net news sites, for­eign and domes­tic, are filled with them. They’re embar­rass­ing to say the least and sad, so very sad. Joe’s attempts to look pres­i­den­tial aren’t work­ing espe­cial­ly when we see his wife Jill lead him by the hand to the speak­ers stage so he doesn’t trip, or when he’s point­ed to his spot by Japan’s Prime Min­is­ter.  We watch these events in awe and won­der if he will fall again when he’s bare­ly able to stay erect whilst attempt­ing to nego­ti­ate the eight steps down at the Itsukushi­ma Shrine to meet Prime Min­is­ter Kishida.

With all that, can we believe his audac­i­ty when he tells us he’s run­ning for re-elec­tion to fin­ish the job? Is Joe at all affect­ed by stress? I can’t see that he is. He’s a pup­pet of the Rad­i­cal Pro­gres­sives and his func­tion as an enabler of DI (dumb intel­li­gence) is com­plete. I believe the Democ­rats are becom­ing so rat­tled by Joe’s per­for­mance and his lack of coher­ent func­tion­ing, that des­per­a­tion is creep­ing into their wicked lit­tle heads on how to stem the dam­age seen by the pub­lic every day. And I don’t mean the main stream media either, they report on noth­ing that doesn’t make Joe look like the polit­i­cal genius and for­eign pol­i­cy expert he has always told us he was when the his­tor­i­cal con­text is exact­ly opposite.

But why are we sur­prised when all that the Demo­c­rat Par­ty can offer us as Amer­i­can polit­i­cal lead­er­ship of the free world, is an infirm old man clear­ly approach­ing the dark realms of demen­tia, a gid­dy Vice Pres­i­dent inca­pable of orga­niz­ing a coher­ent thought or a cog­ni­tive sen­tence, a gay absen­tee Trans­porta­tion sec­re­tary who couldn’t even fill the pot holes in his own city; a Sec­re­tary of Home­land Secu­ri­ty who lies to the Con­gress about how he’s in con­trol of the bor­der with Mex­i­co while mil­lions of ille­gals flow by invi­ta­tion, freely across the fron­tier; an Attor­ney Gen­er­al and FBI Direc­tor deter­mined to root out White Trump MAGA sup­port­ers as dan­ger­ous domes­tic ter­ror­ists and view Chris­tians as dan­ger­ous thinkers; and emplace a sex­u­al mutant as a nuclear stor­age expert whose spends his time heist­ing oth­er peo­ples lug­gage off air­port carousels; and a 98 year old Sen­a­tor who employed a Chi­nese spy on her staff for over a decade and is now so debil­i­tat­ed that she can’t func­tion prop­er­ly. Biden has a Cab­i­net of sicko’s try­ing to turn the rest of us Amer­i­cans into a coun­try of sicko’s.

And still, these Demo­c­rat cre­at­ed prob­lems are being ignored and it’s most­ly because of mon­ey. Joe flies off to Japan with­out nego­ti­at­ing a debt ceil­ing spend­ing lim­it putting Amer­i­ca in the posi­tion of fac­ing a default cri­sis and, while Biden’s Infla­tion is ruin­ing Biden’s econ­o­my (he’s already ruined Trump’s), he allows Amer­i­ca’s home­less vet­er­ans to be kicked out of their accom­mo­da­tions so his flood of ille­gals will have a roof over their head, a free phone in their hand and free med­ical care. With all that, the media ignores the grow­ing evi­dence that Joe Biden and his crim­i­nal fam­i­ly are also firm­ly entrenched as enablers in the quick­sand of Chi­ne­se’s espi­onage, polit­i­cal influ­encers sup­port­ing China’s eco­nom­ic and mil­i­tary goals and sup­port­ers of Chi­na’s com­mu­nist indoc­tri­na­tion in Amer­i­c­as sys­tems of education.

A friend of mine, Martha W. who is a quick study of polit­i­cal events opines: “What­ev­er it takes to get rid of this pres­i­dent and his ‘han­dlers’ must be done NOW. It is as though he is con­vinced the pres­i­den­cy belongs to him; remem­ber Hillary Clin­ton? We know what hap­pened there, and it must hap­pen again. This coun­try can­not sur­vive anoth­er term of Joe Biden and his admin­is­tra­tion. We must do every­thing we can to elect Don­ald Trump to straight­en out this ter­ri­ble mess. He knows the lead­ers all over the world and he knows how to nego­ti­ate with them and always with the best inter­ests of the Unit­ed States at the fore­front. Don­ald Trump loves this coun­try and he always want­ed the best for each and every­one of us.

Are we going to be stu­pid and put Joe Biden back in a posi­tion to “fin­ish the job” of destroy­ing Amer­i­ca? Please say a resound­ing “NO” at the bal­lot box. If it takes har­vest­ing bal­lots, mail in bal­lots, or ear­ly vot­ing, let’s do it; we must fight like our oppo­nents and stop being ‘wimps’ so we can win back our coun­try.”  That about say’s it all, doesn’t it.

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (20May23)

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