OPINION: The Battle Lines Are Being Drawn
Submitted by George McClellan
Not only is the Federal government of Joe Biden corrupt and rotten to its core, its dysfunctional as well and has to be brought to an end sooner rather than later. The country cant wait any longer for Republican leadership to get off their butts and start impeachments. The radical Left Marxists Democrats, have been working toward this goal since Woodrow Wilson but it was people like Obama who kick started our current decline into high gear and turned country into a quagmire of political BS.
Look what theyve given us: Fetterman is dead but he doesn’t know it. Feinstein is dead and she doesn’t know it. Biden is dead and he wont accept it yet we permit them to proceed apace with America’s destruction as if we were visited by the zombie apocalypse. This is all happening by design supported by an equally corrupt media that keeps telling us sheep: Theres nothing to see here, move along and Trump is a criminal who will ruin America. He didnt ruin it in his first four years, did he?
Were dying from political gangrene constantly fed a line of political nonsense the Left expects will finally break our will to resist. Democrats claim they cant fix our gas prices but they can fix the weather but, we must pay for it! They told us recently that gas prices were down .50 cents per gallon when in fact they were up $2.00 a gallon. They tell us the pipe fitters thrown out of work when Biden stopped the oil pipeline installation from Canada can learn coding. But welfare recipients cant? That White House press spokesperson, a complete idiot by the way, wants us to believe that our children belongs to all of us meaning the Government and not their parents. If your okay letting Joe Biden raise your kid, just consider how Hunter turned out. Bidens press spokesperson, a lesbian, has no children of her own. How can she possibly know how mothers and fathers feel about turning their children over to the government? For what purpose? Why, to pander to child molesters the newest victim class the Democrats expect us to celebrate. Didnt Hillary Clinton publish a thesis titled It Takes A Village a few years ago spouting that same nonsense? These people never give up, unlike the Republicans who always do. Thats why were losing this battle to keep our America. But, the lines are being drawn and BS is not a good bunker to hide behind.
The Democrat attack against the 1st Amendment is continuous. If the Supreme Court has ruled against them in some suite or other, they simply ignore the decision and proceed as if it didnt exist. After all, the Supreme Court has no army or other mechanism to enforce its decisions except the DoJ and the FBI. Therefore, we cannot remain sanguine when we know they have descended into the dark tyrannical depths of anti-American and Socialist collectivism and cannot be relied upon to enforce the laws or the courts decisions. The Democrats are still stymied over the 2nd Amendment, the one that keeps the 1st Amendment active, and therein lies the spark that could and probably will, ignite the fire that consumes them. Consider this: if the FBI is truly corrupt and is no longer to be trusted, then every other Federal Law Enforcement entity will also lose the trust and support of the people. Several brave FBI whistleblowers have abandoned their careers to reveal the corruption in the FBI. They realize when the shooting starts, more FBI employees will have to make a decision, stand with a Constitutional America or a Soviet one. All Federal Law Enforcement officers will face that same dilemma and all other non-federal law enforcement agencies, especially Constitutionally elected Sheriffs facing the demands of the Feds to stem the rising anger of Americans, will have to make their decisions as well. To understand the 2nd Amendment, its important to realize that it does not grant us the right to bear arms, its already there. It denies the government the authority to infringe upon our rights to bear arms.
Joe Biden has a short window left to lock into effect Obamas dream of Fundamentally Changing America. As Democrats live by crisis, wait for the next one. It will be a food crisis! Apart from Bidens adversely affected supply chains due to higher fuel costs adding to inflation, we are also seeing the destruction of America’s food processing plants, dairy and cattle farms, violently destroyed by accidents so Democrats can predict food shortages. They are not predicting food shortages, theyre planning em. Its no accident that Biden allows China to buy agricultural land in America, especially near military installations, a secondary gift, they are facing their own food production crisis. Nobodys growing enough rice or wheat there anymore. China has too many college graduates without employment prospects and not enough farmers any more. None-the-less, Biden clings to the biggest fraud of all climate change, aka: the weather, as a societal changing crisis. He would have us believe that, except for Donald Trumps MAGA supporters as Domestic terrorists of course, that climate change is the most serious issue facing America.
The GOP has a slim majority in the House. They had better use it now, no matter the time it takes because as a country, were almost done. Its time for the GOP to take the attack to Americas real enemies, the Democrat party or the GOP its self will be replaced after the shooting!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get em! (21May23)