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OPINION: The Battle Lines Are Being Drawn

Sub­mit­ted by George McClel­lan

Not only is the Fed­er­al gov­ern­ment of Joe Biden cor­rupt and rot­ten to its core, its dys­func­tion­al as well and has to be brought to an end soon­er rather than lat­er. The coun­try cant wait any longer for Repub­li­can lead­er­ship to get off their butts and start impeach­ments. The rad­i­cal Left Marx­ists Democ­rats, have been work­ing toward this goal since Woodrow Wil­son but it was peo­ple like Oba­ma who kick start­ed our cur­rent decline into high gear and turned coun­try into a quag­mire of polit­i­cal BS.

Look what theyve giv­en us: Fet­ter­man is dead but he does­n’t know it. Fein­stein is dead and she does­n’t know it. Biden is dead and he wont accept it yet we per­mit them to pro­ceed apace with Amer­i­ca’s destruc­tion as if we were vis­it­ed by the zom­bie apoc­a­lypse. This is all hap­pen­ing by design sup­port­ed by an equal­ly cor­rupt media that keeps telling us sheep: Theres noth­ing to see here, move along and Trump is a crim­i­nal who will ruin Amer­i­ca. He did­nt ruin it in his first four years, did he?

Were dying from polit­i­cal gan­grene con­stant­ly fed a line of polit­i­cal non­sense the Left expects will final­ly break our will to resist. Democ­rats claim they cant fix our gas prices but they can fix the weath­er but, we must pay for it! They told us recent­ly that gas prices were down .50 cents per gal­lon when in fact they were up $2.00 a gal­lon. They tell us the pipe fit­ters thrown out of work when Biden stopped the oil pipeline instal­la­tion from Cana­da can learn cod­ing. But wel­fare recip­i­ents cant? That White House press spokesper­son, a com­plete idiot by the way, wants us to believe that our chil­dren belongs to all of us mean­ing the Gov­ern­ment and not their par­ents. If your okay let­ting Joe Biden raise your kid, just con­sid­er how Hunter turned out. Bidens press spokesper­son, a les­bian, has no chil­dren of her own. How can she pos­si­bly know how moth­ers and fathers feel about turn­ing their chil­dren over to the gov­ern­ment? For what pur­pose? Why, to pan­der to child moles­ters the newest vic­tim class the Democ­rats expect us to cel­e­brate. Did­nt Hillary Clin­ton pub­lish a the­sis titled It Takes A Vil­lage a few years ago spout­ing that same non­sense? These peo­ple nev­er give up, unlike the Repub­li­cans who always do. Thats why were los­ing this bat­tle to keep our Amer­i­ca. But, the lines are being drawn and BS is not a good bunker to hide behind.

The Demo­c­rat attack against the 1st Amend­ment is con­tin­u­ous. If the Supreme Court has ruled against them in some suite or oth­er, they sim­ply ignore the deci­sion and pro­ceed as if it did­nt exist. After all, the Supreme Court has no army or oth­er mech­a­nism to enforce its deci­sions except the DoJ and the FBI. There­fore, we can­not remain san­guine when we know they have descend­ed into the dark tyran­ni­cal depths of anti-Amer­i­can and Social­ist col­lec­tivism and can­not be relied upon to enforce the laws or the courts deci­sions. The Democ­rats are still stymied over the 2nd Amend­ment, the one that keeps the 1st Amend­ment active, and there­in lies the spark that could and prob­a­bly will, ignite the fire that con­sumes them. Con­sid­er this: if the FBI is tru­ly cor­rupt and is no longer to be trust­ed, then every oth­er Fed­er­al Law Enforce­ment enti­ty will also lose the trust and sup­port of the peo­ple. Sev­er­al brave FBI whistle­blow­ers have aban­doned their careers to reveal the cor­rup­tion in the FBI. They real­ize when the shoot­ing starts, more FBI employ­ees will have to make a deci­sion, stand with a Con­sti­tu­tion­al Amer­i­ca or a Sovi­et one. All Fed­er­al Law Enforce­ment offi­cers will face that same dilem­ma and all oth­er non-fed­er­al law enforce­ment agen­cies, espe­cial­ly Con­sti­tu­tion­al­ly elect­ed Sher­iffs fac­ing the demands of the Feds to stem the ris­ing anger of Amer­i­cans, will have to make their deci­sions as well. To under­stand the 2nd Amend­ment, its impor­tant to real­ize that it does not grant us the right to bear arms, its already there. It denies the gov­ern­ment the author­i­ty to infringe upon our rights to bear arms.

Joe Biden has a short win­dow left to lock into effect Oba­mas dream of Fun­da­men­tal­ly Chang­ing Amer­i­ca. As Democ­rats live by cri­sis, wait for the next one. It will be a food cri­sis! Apart from Bidens adverse­ly affect­ed sup­ply chains due to high­er fuel costs adding to infla­tion, we are also see­ing the destruc­tion of Amer­i­ca’s food pro­cess­ing plants, dairy and cat­tle farms, vio­lent­ly destroyed by acci­dents so Democ­rats can pre­dict food short­ages. They are not pre­dict­ing food short­ages, theyre plan­ning em. Its no acci­dent that Biden allows Chi­na to buy agri­cul­tur­al land in Amer­i­ca, espe­cial­ly near mil­i­tary instal­la­tions, a sec­ondary gift, they are fac­ing their own food pro­duc­tion cri­sis. Nobodys grow­ing enough rice or wheat there any­more. Chi­na has too many col­lege grad­u­ates with­out employ­ment prospects and not enough farm­ers any more. None-the-less, Biden clings to the biggest fraud of all cli­mate change, aka: the weath­er, as a soci­etal chang­ing cri­sis. He would have us believe that, except for Don­ald Trumps MAGA sup­port­ers as Domes­tic ter­ror­ists of course, that cli­mate change is the most seri­ous issue fac­ing Amer­i­ca.

The GOP has a slim major­i­ty in the House. They had bet­ter use it now, no mat­ter the time it takes because as a coun­try, were almost done. Its time for the GOP to take the attack to Amer­i­c­as real ene­mies, the Demo­c­rat par­ty or the GOP its self will be replaced after the shoot­ing!

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, go get em! (21May23)




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