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OPINION: Unintended Consequences of Illicit Police Action


Sub­mit­ted by George McClellan

Police offi­cials act­ing under the col­or of author­i­ty to search a spe­cif­ic place, must pos­sess a legit­i­mate search war­rant, an exact copy of which is to be pro­vid­ed to the own­er of the place to be searched. If he/she is not there, the search can com­mence none-the-less. The war­rant must be based upon “Prob­a­ble Cause,” spec­i­fy­ing the place to be searched, what’s being searched for and where it’s locat­ed. There are excep­tions such as auto­mo­biles and per­sons afoot. Mar-a-Lago was not one of them. That was a crim­i­nal assault on the Amer­i­ca peo­ple via Trump.

For exam­ple, if police search­ing for a stolen freez­er at a known address, they would not expect to find a freez­er in a wom­an’s lin­gerie draw­er, clos­et or under her bed. Any evi­dence seized by such unlaw­ful exten­sion of a war­rants scope, even if it was drugs or ille­gal firearms, would be total­ly inad­mis­si­ble in a court of law. Basi­cal­ly, that’s how it’s sup­posed to work. The FBI long ago fell prey to their own pro­pa­gan­da, radio and TV shows that praised them as first line defend­ers of Amer­i­c­as Con­sti­tu­tion and they start­ed to believe how good they were and how impor­tant they had become as defend­ers of Amer­i­c­as nation­al defense. That ker­nel of thought grew over the years and gave them a sense of secu­ri­ty that excused lit­tle vio­la­tions of the law if they got their man. Because they were doing Gods work on earth, lit­tle infrac­tions could be over­looked or dis­missed as sil­ly mis­takes or for­giv­able errors. We saw for­mer FBI Direc­tor Comey exon­er­ate Hillary Clin­tons crim­i­nal email deba­cle. A judge didn’t, Comey did!

But once a per­sons home has been invad­ed by cop or crook with­out due process, the vic­tim will nev­er be the same again. Mela­nia Trump will for­ev­er be look­ing over her shoul­der in fear that she is being sur­veilled by evil forces. She will won­der if the FBI plant­ed evi­dence to be found lat­er or worse, plant­ed lis­ten­ing and video devices to gath­er infor­ma­tion for their cor­rupt mas­ters. Mela­nia Trump was born in Yugoslavia, a Com­mu­nist coun­try, and spent the for­ma­tive years of her young life liv­ing under that gov­ern­ments pre­text of pro­vid­ing safe­ty. Her fears were doubt­less well found­ed, observ­ing first hand how extra-judi­cial meth­ods used by gov­ern­ment intend­ed to keep Yugoslav’s safe, actu­al­ly worked. That she should expe­ri­ence such a thing here, espe­cial­ly as a for­mer First Lady of the US, must have rekin­dled her latent fears of life in a total­i­tar­i­an coun­try. I feel con­fi­dent in say­ing that Mela­nia Trump see’s what’s com­ing for Amer­i­ca and she doesn’t like it.

Before some of you start won­der­ing about the verac­i­ty of my com­ments on this sub­ject, I will say that I worked one full year in the for­mer Yugoslavia as an offi­cer with the Inter­na­tion­al Police Task Force and saw first hand the latent fear by threats and intim­i­da­tion the reg­u­lar folks were expe­ri­enc­ing at wars end. It was not a pret­ty sight. Old hatreds and ani­mosi­ties boiled over, mur­ders were com­mit­ted, ret­ri­bu­tions made and revenge still dom­i­nates the mind set of the mul­ti-coun­try cit­i­zens of the for­mer Yugoslavia.

Here’s the unin­tend­ed con­se­quences of Mela­nia Trump’s expe­ri­ence with the FBI’s search into her per­son­al life and It is per­son­al! How can she trust any Fed­er­al Agent any­more? Can she trust them to pro­tect her from pet­ty crim­i­nals or even assas­si­na­tion? Is her Mar‑a Lago home bugged with lis­ten­ing and video devices? Has incrim­i­nat­ing evi­dence been plant­ed to be dis­cov­ered at anoth­er time? For the FBI agents involved, they too face unin­tend­ed con­se­quences of their own mak­ing. In Nazi Ger­many, Nation­al Social­ist police ran ram­pant over the pop­u­la­tion dis­pens­ing extra-judi­cial pun­ish­ment to the unco­op­er­a­tive. At wars end the Nurem­berg Tri­als of Nazi offi­cials put ‘fin­ish’ to the excuse: “I was only fol­low­ing Orders.”  Here’s Trump’s prob­lem when he returns. The agents hired since Barak Oba­ma assumed the office, are the cadre of future “Woke” FBI oper­a­tions. As such they pose a seri­ous threat to a sta­ble Amer­i­ca because, like Comey, Peter Str­zok, Lisa Page and Andrew McCabe, they believe they are right no mat­ter what so, they should be purged from the FBI. The next Direc­tor of the FBI must be an expe­ri­enced Agent from the ranks, not a DoJ Lawyer, ever again. That’s the sad truth folks but that’s what Lib­er­al­ism has done for us. Integri­ty anyone?

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (11Aug22)

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