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OPINION: Who’s Paying For All of This?


George McClellanELLIJAY, Ga — by George McClel­lan — We can rage on about the fail­ures of our elect­ed GOP politi­cians to pro­tect our Con­sti­tu­tion­al Repub­lic from Demo­c­rat ele­ments that have no inter­est in Amer­i­ca remain­ing a Con­sti­tu­tion­al Repub­lic or pay any penal­ty for their fail­ures, yet. It’s because a Lib­er­al New World Order is on their hori­zon and it doesn’t include a strong Amer­i­ca just an obe­di­ent one. Long ago the Demo­c­rat par­ty was absorbed by Amer­i­can Com­mu­nists and its Marx­ist the­o­ry of “from you accord­ing to your abil­i­ty, to you accord­ing to your needs” is their ulti­mate  goal for Americans.

Six­ty years ago, Sovi­et Pre­mier Niki­ta Khrushchev pre­dict­ed: “Whether you like it or not, his­to­ry is on our side. We will bury you.” “We can­not expect the Amer­i­cans to jump from cap­i­tal­ism to com­mu­nism, but we can aid their elect­ed lead­ers in giv­ing them small dos­es of social­ism until sud­den­ly they awake to find they have com­mu­nism.” That quote may or may not be direct­ly attrib­uted to Khrushchev him­self, but its become true none the less. Look at us now!

Those who under­stand what’s hap­pen­ing and have tried to explain the dan­gers to Amer­i­cans  have been chal­lenged as truth deniers, liars and racists (always have to have racists). Not want­i­ng that, we elect RINO’s who promised to pro­tect our Con­sti­tu­tion­al safe­guards but haven’t, and con­demn them as inef­fec­tive when in fact they are far more effec­tive for the pur­pose they’re there, to end America’s role as the worlds pro­tec­tor, bea­con for free­dom and free enter­prise. Many of those RiNO’s we thought would do right have shown weak­ness in the face of Demo­c­rat rebuke and decid­ed to appease the wolves by buy­ing into into the Left’s notion of com­pro­mise, ie: “do as you’er told and shut up!” Many politi­cians have got­ten rich doing so. It now occurs to me that it’s not GOP politi­cians locked into the deep state who are RiNO’s, it is in fact you and me who are the real RiNO’s. The GOP is near­ly gone, but, I digress.

The end game for all these unAmer­i­can activ­i­ties the Demo­c­rat Pro­gres­sive crowd is so des­per­ate­ly pushed at us, and tac­it­ly sup­port­ed by Deep State Repub­li­cans, is to cre­ate a New World Order or some form of a One World Gov­ern­ment that can’t be inter­fered with by a med­dling Amer­i­ca. The big con­trib­u­tors to the social­ist dream is giant inter­na­tion­al busi­ness con­glom­er­ates, Woke cor­po­ra­tions includ­ing sports clubs and oth­er big mon­ey inter­ests whose eyes sparkle at the prospect of wal­low­ing in for­eign cash. They for­get the threat­en­ing pres­ence of the Chi­nese Com­mu­nist Par­ty lurk­ings just over the hori­zon eager to pick up the pieces.

Because there’s a lot of con­tra­dic­to­ry noise in the atmos­phere, the prop­er ques­tion to ask, if we seek the source of all polit­i­cal evil by fol­low­ing the mon­ey, is: “who’s pay­ing for all this?” It’s cer­tain­ly not a cabal of wealthy nations. The Euro­pean Union is inef­fec­tive as a col­lec­tive and if it weren’t for their NATO com­mit­ments, there would nev­er be a unit­ed front against Russia’s inva­sion of Ukraine. North Amer­i­ca, ie: the US, Cana­da and Mex­i­co, are not at all unit­ed polit­i­cal­ly. Cana­da has an unhinged ding­bat in charge who wants to be a dic­ta­tor, the US is in the hands of a sick, aging Marx­ist incom­pe­tent who won’t even allow export of our one major com­mod­i­ty need­ed by the world, oil. And final­ly, Mexico’s for­eign pol­i­cy is con­trolled by pow­er­ful drug car­tels traf­fick­ing drugs and peo­ple into the US for unimag­in­ably huge profits.

The focus of this prob­lem can be laid at the feet of Heer Klaus Schwab, tit­u­lar head of the World Eco­nom­ic Forum, that bunch of bil­lion­aires who gath­er annu­al­ly in Davos, Switzer­land to plan for “The Great Reset.” Their scheme is to col­lec­tivize the worlds nations, except Chi­na of course who fol­low their own plan, into the New World Order and be gov­erned by “experts” to make every­one hap­py. The vehi­cle for their “Great Reset” is “Cli­mate Change” the stu­pid­est the­o­ry ever pro­posed since the hole in the Van Allen Belt first came to pub­lic atten­tion decades ago. Chal­lenge that and you’re a racist for sure. Right now, the wheels are com­ing off the Pro­gres­sive bus by their own incom­pe­tence and con­ser­v­a­tives shouldn’t stand in their way.

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, get out of their way! (27/7/22)

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