Home / News / #BKP gives Details of Sussmann Trial, Domestic Terrorism Bill, Biden’s Baby Formula Bill and more!

#BKP gives Details of Sussmann Trial, Domestic Terrorism Bill, Biden’s Baby Formula Bill and more!

#BKP gives Details of Suss­mann Tri­al, Domes­tic Ter­ror­ism Bill, Biden’s Baby For­mu­la Bill and more!


  1. I hope your pre­dic­tion for a Kemp win is wrong. John Fred­er­icks has cov­ered this state for the past three weeks bring­ing the mes­sage to the peo­ple of that area. Why would Kemp copy­cat Fred­er­icks by fol­low­ing John with the weasel bus if he thought he had the pri­ma­ry in the bag? John start­ed his bus tour in Dun­woody and I think it will con­clude there. Tues­day’s pri­ma­ry will reveal the num­ber of vot­ers bought off by Kemp. I request­ed an absen­tee bal­lot at the begin­ning of May and have not received it. I can’t stand for the length of time it will take to fill out four pages, plus the machines are still there. Vot­er sup­pes­tion is alive and well in Gwin­nett.

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