Home / News / BKP and Joene from the All Star Political Panel on Joe Manchin and Student Loan Forgiveness

BKP and Joene from the All Star Political Panel on Joe Manchin and Student Loan Forgiveness

Trad­er Joe or Trad­er Joe.

Smoke and Mir­ror with col­lege debt for­give­ness. Pres­i­dent Biden wants to for­give at least $10K per stu­dent for stu­dents that make less than $150k. To the fat cats in DC is that the new pover­ty lev­el. If you make $150k a year you should be able to pay for stu­dent debt and child care. Just about every­one would be enti­tled, because even doc­tors and lawyers don’t come out of school mak­ing $150K right out of school. What about the stu­dents that worked before and after school. Or those that choose a trade school or a com­mu­ni­ty col­lege. The uni­ver­si­ties are way over­priced.

They say that as ear­ly as this week there will be an announce­ment about the stu­dent loan for­give­ness.

When a debt is for­giv­en it is income but the IRS has for­giv­en the debt as well and it will not be count­ed as income.

The depart­ment of edu­ca­tion and the depart­ment of jus­tice is ques­tion­ing the pres­i­den­t’s abil­i­ty to do for­give­ness.

On this $10k they are giv­ing you the $10K but they arent going to give you a 1099 for giv­ing you the $10K. It is a trick that they use over and over, they wait until the last minute, then they ram through some­thing that is 750 pages long and there is nt any time to read or amend. They always title the bill so that it is very favor­able.

The Trad­er Joe bill is con­vience­ly acronym IRA so your IRA is going to 0 because of this bill. Manchin lied say­ing he is not rais­ing tax­es. It is an enor­mous give away to Tes­la and it is an enor­mous green new deal.

Joe Manchin many times was Joenes win­ner of the week. He saved us mul­ti­ple times from the build back bet­ter. But what he did right at the last minute again right before a recess he stabbed the Amer­i­can peo­ple in the back. The 15% of the cor­po­ra­tions that make a bil­lion in prof­it, on the cor­po­ra­tions that dont pay any tax. They are using Don­ald Trump as an exam­ple. The big cor­po­ra­tions might owe 800K in income tax­es and they depre­ci­ate the new build­ings and loca­tions. They cre­ate jobs by using the tax incen­tives. They are going to spend anoth­er half tril­lion. There is noth­ing in the reports that it is infla­tion neu­tral.

We are going to spend an enor­mous amount of mon­ey for the auto mak­ers to retool their plants so we can tell them what to build. We are going to sub­si­dize the auto man­u­fac­tures in North Amer­i­ca to build EVs. There has­n’t been any plan devel­oped to imple­ment the green new deal. It is not prac­ti­cal.

Watch and see how close the esplost gets to put in charg­ing sta­tions in schools.
Tax foun­da­tion. Rein­vest­ment is how the econ­o­my is sup­posed to turn.

Joe Machin sold him­self for the gas line to go through West Vir­ginia.

3 of the top can­di­dates in AZ are Trump endorsed can­di­dates. AZ may be a very inter­est­ing place for the next 99 days. It may put a lot of con­cern into her. AZ is a lot like GA. they used to have 2 repub­li­can seats in AZ, it is now demo­c­rat. Sine­ma is look­ing at the tea leaves.

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