Home / News / Lori talks about Pelosi’s travels, China’s threats, Manchin’s lies, and more

Lori talks about Pelosi’s travels, China’s threats, Manchin’s lies, and more


Unprece­dent­ed times in amer­i­ca. Unfor­tu­nate times where chi­na is telling us where we are to go. Pelosi going to Tai­wan and hav­ing any­one dic­tate us where to go. Pelosi want­ed to go over to Tai­wan to look at their semi­con­duc­tor operation. 

Our white house seems like a real absolute that we will be going to Taiwan. 

School is start­ing this week. 

Biden went on last night and talked about the drone strike in Afghanistan. The dif­fer­ent peo­ple that Pelosi is going to see. Chi­na is back­ing Rus­sia in the war in Ukraine mak­ing sure they are lev­el­ing the coun­try. The Rus­sians have in turn backed Chi­na on their inva­sion of Tai­wan. Chi­na has made very clear instruc­tions for Pelosi’s vis­it to Tai­wan. Chi­na is res­olute with the state­ment that there will be coun­ter­mea­sures in the wake of Pelosi’s vis­it to Tai­wan. The white house is admate about Pelosi’s plan to go to Tai­wan and we don’t take direc­tions from oth­er coun­tries espe­cial­ly Chi­na. The USS Ronald Rea­gan is sit­ting off the shore of Chi­na. The Chi­nese are try­ing to crip­ple Tai­wan and not allow any­one to be allies to Tai­wan. All this dur­ing the time where world lead­ers are look­ing at Pres­i­dent Biden. That is when the deci­sion came out about the drone strike on Al Qae­da leader.While the drone strike was a win, it is about the only thing that has hap­pened under his watch that can be claimed a win. 

As the bor­der is deemed a polit­i­cal issue and not a nation­al secu­ri­ty issue. There are so many peo­ple from so many coun­tries that are not being tested. 

There are a num­ber of democ­rats out that are doing all they can to keep democ­rats in office but they don’t want Biden out on the cam­paign trail. Manchin won’t talk about whether or not he will vote for the Pres­i­dent. Manchin claimed that the Infla­tion Reduc­tion Act is only clos­ing loop­holes and not rais­ing tax­es. All eyes are on Sine­ma will she jump on board with Manchin or will she stand firm with her pre­vi­ous statements. 

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