Home / News / Lori talks about the KY floods, comparing Biden to who?, Manchin’s flip-flop and more

Lori talks about the KY floods, comparing Biden to who?, Manchin’s flip-flop and more

The hor­ri­ble dev­as­ta­tion with the floods in KY. The dai­ly total keeps ris­ing with 30 con­firmed deaths and lots more still miss­ing with more rain expect­ed over the next few days. The peo­ple of east­ern KY need our prayers.

You would think that the democ­rats would com­pare Biden to a demo­c­rat pres­i­dent. Why Rea­gan? The democ­rats con­tin­ue to com­pare Biden to Pres­i­dent Rea­gan. Claim­ing that they are play­ing the long game and the plan is final­ly com­ing into play. Bot­tom up mid­dle out econ­o­my instead of top down. We all loved and adored Pres­i­dent Rea­gan and the only thing that Biden has in com­mon with Rea­gan is that you have both been in the Oval Office and sat in that seat.

We are in a world where he is a she and a cat can be a dog. Words are being rede­fined in front of our eyes, so maybe in their world Biden could be a Rea­gan. Rea­gan was quick on his feet, no one can say that Biden was quick on his feet. As many Amer­i­cans are won­der­ing if Biden is in the videos that are com­ing out. And does he real­ly have COVID, or is it a ploy to keep him away from the pub­lic and con­trol where he goes and who he sees.

There is a sto­ry behind Manchin agree­ing to the Infla­tion Reduc­tion Act. He had his hand on the peo­ple and there was an under­stand­ing of the peo­ple that he rep­re­sents. There is no ado­ra­tion or loy­al­ty to Biden for Manchin to agree to the rec­on­cil­i­a­tion bill. What­ev­er the sto­ry behind the switch has to be deep and per­son­al that can be used as lever­age. While Sine­ma con­tin­ues to stay qui­et.

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