Home / News / BKP talks about the Afghanistan drone strike, election day in AZ, the media lies and more

BKP talks about the Afghanistan drone strike, election day in AZ, the media lies and more

The drone strike on Al Qae­da (Zawahiri).

Why is Pelosi going to Asia? the sim­plest thought of why. The US warns Chi­na not to turn Pelo­sis expect­ed trip to Tai­wan into a cri­sis. They need to make Joe Biden con­nect­ed and com­pe­tent. That Joe is in charge. If you have Joe Biden stand up to Chi­na, kill a ter­ror­ist and pass a bill with a name on it Infla­tion Reduc­tion Act and amer­i­cans get­ting excit­ed about gas at $3.85 and post on social media that gas is com­ing down.

It’s elec­tion day in AZ they are try­ing to save the sen­ate. Its elec­tion day in MI. Are these pre­emp­tive strikes to the news of the big wins night for the Trump endorsed can­di­dates. Nan­cy is going to Tai­wan. Biden stood up to Chi­na. The Zawahiri strike. The IRA bill.

When was the last time the gov­ern­ment did some­thing you trust­ed. Biden has had these covid relapse. It was Sat­ur­day morn­ing that the guy was dead and Tues­day morn­ing we got the news. Was it because it was the first time that Biden was able to have the speech?

Why is it get­ting close to being against the law to believe some­thing that is against their nar­ra­tive? The media is com­plic­it in explain­ing away the lies.There is a vac­cine that does­nt work and there is a treat­ment that does­nt work. All of this gov­ern­ment approved exper­i­men­tal use of med­ica­tions and treat­ment for COVID. You pay it through the gov­ern­ment. Paxlovid from Pfiz­er is free but costs $1000 per treat­ment. I have not heard 1 relapse or rebound from any­one that took iver­mectin.
Liv­ing through the forced tran­si­tion.

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