Home / News / BKP talks about the tax hikes in the Inflation Reduction Act, automakers subsidies, and more

BKP talks about the tax hikes in the Inflation Reduction Act, automakers subsidies, and more

Weve talked about Trad­er Joe.

5 tax hikes in the Dems rec­on­cil­i­a­tion bill. The leg­is­la­tion would impose a regres­sive tax on oil and gas devel­op­ment based on emis­sions lev­els of methane dur­ing pro­duc­tion, lead­ing to high­er ener­gy bills for con­sumers and high­er costs of every­day prod­ucts.

The biden admin­is­tra­tion is using reg­u­la­tion to essen­tial­ly man­date that automak­ers churn out elec­tric vehi­cles, now tax­pay­ers will sub­si­dize that cost.

Infla­tion reduc­tion act of 2022: 369B for cli­mate ener­gy pro­grams, 451B in rev­enue from tax reforms, medicare can nego­ti­ate drug prices, afford­able care act sub­si­dies extend­ed, 300B toward deficit reduc­tions. We are not wait­ing for the CBO score. Usu­al­ly for this kind of build we wait for the CBO report where it would tell if it would increase the debt or infla­tion num­bers.

We are in a reces­sion

Ted Cruz shares a clip of Bill Clin­ton acknowl­edg­ing some­thing that Biden wont: 2 quar­ters of neg­a­tive gdp growth.

Trad­er joe. The moun­tain val­ley pipeline. Expands from north­west­ern WV to south­ern VA. costs have increased even more and has been in the works for 7 years. The com­ple­tion date is sched­uled for 2023. Look into July 5th 2020. Can­cel the Atlantic coast pipeline. Check out what Manchin did .

Kemp has north GA sched­uled out on August 4th. Toc­coa, Clay­ton, Blairsville.

BKP will be at the Lib­er­ty Group Tea Par­ty is on Wednes­day where he will be speak­ing.

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