Home / News / BKP talks with June Krise, Democrat Chairwoman for the 9th District

BKP talks with June Krise, Democrat Chairwoman for the 9th District


99 days to elec­tion day and it will be a mad dash from now until November.
The race here in GA is the gov­er­nor’s race is a rematch between Abrams and Kemp. 

New poll that just came out putting Kemp up by 5. Kemp 49% and Abrams 44%. Kemps cam­paign has a lit­tle heart­burn because they would like to see it above 50%. In the poll lib­er­tar­i­an polled at 3%. 2% polled to say they would like anoth­er can­di­date and 3% unde­cid­ed. GA is a 50%+1 is the win­ner so as it stands it would be a run-off. 

Dis­trict 9 is the red­dest vot­ing dis­trict in GA. The democ­rats have a strat­e­gy and plan to pull off enough vot­ers in North GA to make a difference. 

Abrams went to Roys­ton, Clay­ton, Fan­nin, then to Dal­ton. Abrams is more aggres­sive­ly going after areas she wouldn’t nor­mal­ly go into. Her speech­es were very well accepted. 

June Krise is the 9th Con­gres­sion­al Dis­trict Demo­c­rat Chair. Only attend­ing the Clay­ton event last week with Abrams. It was report­ed that there were about 300 people. 

Democ­rats were hurt with the redis­trict­ing, June says they have been con­densed for the most part into the red­dest dis­trict in GA. Maybe the 9th Dis­trict will get Stacey Abrams enough votes to get the run-off and the win. 

The rea­son the democ­rats aren’t polling high­er than 50% is eauce of the redis­trict­ing, vot­er sup­pres­sion, the repub­li­cans run the shots in GA. Redis­trict­ing does­n’t come into play on the statewide races. Democ­rats are run­ning against incum­bents. Bai­ley got the most in the last elec­tion, almost pulling 50%. No vot­er drop box­es, no acces­si­ble absen­tee bal­lots. When more peo­ple vote in GA, democ­rats do bet­ter. In GA when Roy Barns was gov­er­nor there weren’t any drop boxes. 

This coun­try is worth going to vote, lazi­ness and apa­thy is not accepted.
We can vote 3 or 4 times like the democ­rats do… 

If Biden is the nom­i­nee in 2024. Biden is a mod­er­ate can­di­date. He wasn’t an extreme politi­cian. They aren’t as extreme as they should be. Biden did not win West Vir­ginia so nat­u­ral­ly Manchin would sup­port Biden. Joe Machin being an inde­pen­dent has worked very hard to come to a com­pro­mise. You couldn’t have a more expe­ri­enced can­di­date than Joe Biden. 

Peo­ple are spend­ing mon­ey. Jobs are way up. And Mcdon­alds have gone up on their wages. And the talk­ing heads are talk­ing about a reces­sion that maybe we need to keep our eye on. 

Accord­ing to the experts we are not in a reces­sion. They are wor­ried about it.
The infla­tion and the $4 a gas. Gas is going to con­tin­ue to come down. Rus­sia is try­ing to put the squeeze on us and we are putting the squeeze on Russia.
JOe Biden has done an excel­lent job under very dif­fi­cult situations. 

There is a lot of report­ing where the low­est rung of the pop­u­la­tion is real­ly hurt­ing. Walmrst and retail stocks are down, report­ing almost 9 points down. 

The mes­sage is we brought you out of the pan­dem­ic. You can still catch the virus but you won’t end up in the ER on a ven­ti­la­tor. When Abrams was the minor­i­ty leader in the leg­is­la­ture the repub­li­cans passed leg­is­la­tion to help the cor­po­ra­tions and when the leg­is­la­tion to give the low­er income peo­ple $25 more a month it was vot­ed down. 

Ga has dropped to the low­est in edu­ca­tion, health­care, and infrastructure.
So the democ­rats are going to offer a more lev­el play­ing field. Even repub­li­cans had expand­ed medicaid. 

Hunter Biden’s lap­top is a total dis­grace to this coun­try. We have moved from Hunter Biden’s lap­top and we have moved on from Trump. 

The pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States is cor­rupt as hell. 

We are try­ing to get to the bot­tom of the insur­rec­tion. Pence had to run for his life, because he didn’t believe the secret ser­vices would pro­tect. The text mes­sages have been wiped from the secret ser­vices. BKP will agree to see the text mes­sages and we have to get the bot­tom of Ash­li Bab­bitts murder. 

Will we see Abrams again in the 9th dis­trict? It is pos­si­ble. Abrams is the may­or of Roys­ton in Franklin Co. 

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