Home / News / BKP talks about 99 days until the election, Biden Crime family, Trump candidates and more

BKP talks about 99 days until the election, Biden Crime family, Trump candidates and more

99 days until elec­tion day. And that is when the repub­li­cans take back the major­i­ty of the house and we will see about the sen­ate. And no one real­ly knows what the results will be in GA .

Elec­tion day tomor­row in WA, AZ, KS, MO, MI

Trad­er Joe Manchin the Trad­er Joe of the moment. He had zero prob­lem look­ing at the cam­era lying to the Amer­i­can peo­ple. He does a full Gins­berg by insist­ing the new spend­ing bill will NOT raise tax­es (but refused to back Biden for a sec­ond term)/. Where are all the fact check­ers? He went to all five major news net­works over the week­end. At no time could he say that he want­ed democ­rats to win and joe biden run for re-elec­tion in 2024.

Talk about June Krise about Stacey Abrams north GA tour and if the democ­rats can siphon enough votes in north GA to put Abrams over the top.

Joene from the all star polit­i­cal pan­el about Trad­er Joe and the stu­dent loan debt for­give­ness plan that Biden has in place.

We do know that the Biden Crime fam­i­ly is the biggest crime case right now. There isnt a com­par­i­son between the biden crime fam­i­ly and the jan 6 hear­ings.
They will throw the cards in the house. Dont get over excit­ed. We have reser­va­tions because the repub­li­cans are get­ting excit­ed over the house a lit­tle too excit­ed. They are try­ing to save the sen­ate by say­ing that Amer­i­cans want a split con­gress.

Tudor Dixon is prob­a­bly going to be the repub­li­can can­di­date tomor­row. Has got­ten the trump endorse­ment.

Joe and Mika have sur­faced. Trump backed can­di­dates lead top az pri­ma­ry races.
Top elec­tion offi­cials’ races fea­ture deniers of the 2020 results.

Steven Kor­nac­ki at the big board on MSNBC. The sav­ing of the sen­ate. This goes right in line with all that we have talked about. Democ­rats are hop­ing that they are to keep the sen­ate. Repub­li­cans need a net gain of 1 to take the sen­ate. The two most like­ly states that will go repub­li­can are AZ and GA but they both went for Biden in 2020 by razor thin mar­gins.

They are out there talk­ing about Joe Bidens win with Joe Manchin. Krys­ten Siine­ma has­nt signed on there yet. AZ has their pri­ma­ry Tues­day where they are elect­ing Trump backed Gov, SOS and Sen­ate.

You will hear for the next 99 days. You will hear about Bidens win and his land­mark wins with just a 50–50 Sen­ate. All to save the sen­ate.

If you look at the sce­nario democ­rats could keep the sen­ate. If you notice in the entire report no dis­cus­sion about the house. Democ­rats have pushed the chips in on the House. Pelosi will retire soon with all the mon­ey they have tak­en from the Amer­i­can peo­ple. They are going to push for a split con­gress.

They are say­ing that Trump is the one that is risk­ing all the repub­li­cans tak­ing the Sen­ate.

Have they locked up Spam and put it behind the counter because of shoplift­ing.

Trans cheer­leader is giv­en assault cita­tion after chok­ing out team­mate who called her a man with a penis at cheer camp.

Joe biden is still test­ing pos­i­tive for covid his doc­tor says after the pres­i­dent returned to work less than 1 week after ini­tial

Ted cruz shares clips of Bill Clin­ton acknowl­edg­ing some­thing that Biden won’t: that reces­sion is two quar­ters of neg­a­tive gdp growth as 95% of vot­ers say infla­tion affects how theyll cast their midterm bal­lot.

Their plan is to say we passed an infla­tion reduc­tion act. We are try­ing to do some­thing and repub­li­cans wont give you their plan to make the cor­rec­tions and get the growth back where it needs to be.

He has­nt cam­paigned any­where. He did­nt go to PA. GA. AZ. MI. They cant cam­paign but the media is going every­thing they can to help until Fed­der­man in PA can get back on his cam­paign trail after hav­ing a stroke.

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