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NY19 was not a bellwether district.

Every­one looks at the bell­wether pri­ma­ry in NY 19. Trump hit 30 for 30 last night. Guess where Trump did­nt get involved, NY19. #David­Shafer #gapol . So many of you are won­der­ing what hap­pened in GA, Trump 30–0 across Amer­i­ca last night. Trump endorse­ments win­ning in coun­ty com­mis­sion races. GA is full of coun­try club repub­li­cans mask­ing as Trump sup­port­ers. Where is Bri­an Kemp? Where are the true Trump con­ser­v­a­tives out there? Where is the voice of con­ser­v­a­tives out there? Where is Burt Jones? Burt Jones is Trump endorsed, but he is going Coun­try Club Repub­li­can.

Stu­dent Loans, Barack Oba­ma set this up in 2010. Trump dur­ing COVID deferred loan pay­ments twice. Biden has deferred it 4 times and plans a for­give­ness. Amer­i­ca is out­raged. NY 19 is not a bell­wether. 74% of Amer­i­cans feel we are on the wrong track.

The media this morn­ing. Demo­c­rat win in bell­wether NY House Dis­trict show­cas­es pow­er of abor­tion rights mes­sage. NO it did not. 74% of Amer­i­cans that think we are on the wrong track, are not con­cerned about Roe v Wade. We are win­ning if we stay on the 74% mes­sage and dont deny Don­ald Trump. Because over 50% of those 74% that think we are on the wrong direc­tion are Trump sup­port­ers. Dem Pat Ryan beats Rep. Marc Moli­naro. NY dis­trict 19 is not the bell­wether, econ­o­my did not take a back seat to abor­tion. The reports are wrong, it is easy to explain. Fox news has been talk­ing about NY19 being the bell­wether for the 2022 Gen­er­al Elec­tion. Trump won the dis­trict in 2016. In 2020, Biden bare­ly won. Now they are try­ing to make this the Demo­c­rat enthu­si­asm. In 2018, Moli­naro revealed the rea­son he did­nt vote for Trump, was report­ed when Moli­naro was run­ning for gov­er­nor doing every­thing he could to stay away from Trump. Moli­naro was not endorsed by Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump. The deep state media is putting a rub­ber stamp on this and con­nect­ing it to what hap­pened in KS. they are try­ing to lead you to believe that abor­tion, jan6 and the doc­u­ments is what the peo­ple are vot­ing on and not the econ­o­my and what we are pay­ing at the gro­cery store. If Moli­naro would have embraced Don­ald Trump and asked for the endorse­ment, he would have won the elec­tion last night. The can­di­dates who are bal­anc­ing the econ­o­my and Don­ald Trump are win­ning and the media knows that. The repub­li­cans in the red areas did­nt get the turn out as the dems in the blue areas. Wake up and lis­ten, this is a blue­print across the coun­try. This is rur­al Amer­i­ca. In the blue areas the democ­rats were able to squeeze out more votes, but in the red areas the lev­el of turnout they need­ed and have got­ten in the past. In that dis­trict, if the Trump sup­port­ers would have been ral­lied there would have been a win. The Trump tick­et is a win­ning tick­et in Novem­ber oth­er­wise the media would­nt hate it so much.

Bri­an Kemp has to look at NY19 and get on board with the Trump sup­port­ers, but they wont do it. Moli­naro ran as far away from Trump as he could and the red areas did not have the lev­el of turnout. Bri­an Kemp has a cou­ple of oppor­tu­ni­ties, whether he likes Trump or not, but if he does­nt embrace the Trump sup­port­ers in North GA. There is a good amount of peo­ple across this coun­try that would like to know what hap­pened in 2020.

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