Home / News / 25 Ron DeSantis endorsed School Board Candidates Win in FL

25 Ron DeSantis endorsed School Board Candidates Win in FL

Where is Raphael Warnock? Is he out there? The guy is get­ting 7400 dol­lars a month tax free.

San­dra Deal, GA for­mer first lady, dies at 80. No one has any­thing neg­a­tive to say about the first lady. She did a lot for edu­ca­tion.

Stacey Abrams send­ing her prayers out for Rayshard Brooks, the man that was drunk and fell asleep in the dri­ve thru in Wendys

The Ogre came out yes­ter­day. There was an ogre sight­ing.

We all know that the Biden admin­is­tra­tion was involved in get­ting the doc­u­ments back from Mar-a-Lago. You would think that by the time the raid would hap­pen in Mar-a-Lago the Trump sup­port­ed can­di­dates would have lost.

Trump backed 2 Mia­mi-Dade repub­li­cans in Tues­day’s elec­tion for coun­ty com­mis­sion, one won their pri­ma­ry and the oth­er with a first place slot head­ing to runoff elec­tion. Trump backed 19 can­di­dates in FL alone, all won. And they are won­der­ing if Char­lie Crist will stage any kind of chal­lenge to Ron DeSan­tis. All the media has been want­i­ng to do for months is hav­ing Trump and DeSan­tis go head to head. You dont think he real­izes that Trump went 19–0.

Where is Bri­an Kemp? 74% of Amer­i­cans want to fix Crazy. Ron DeSan­tis backed Flori­da school board can­di­dates and 25 of the 30 endorse­ments won last night in pri­ma­ry elec­tions. The Flori­da school board wins are being tout­ed as vic­to­ries against woke indoc­tri­na­tions. This is the mes­sage but not with­out Trump. Why did­nt Bri­an Kemp endorse school board can­di­dates? We total­ly fell apart in GA. We had can­di­dates in GA that were look­ing out for SEL (social emo­tion­al learn­ing) in GA. The 1776 Project endorsed can­di­dates in FL all win­ning. Mia­mi Dade is now the largest coun­try in Amer­i­ca with a con­ser­v­a­tive school board major­i­ty.

If you think that one day you will go to a school and the prin­ci­pal will ask who is the birth par­ent. This is a very tough time for kids. The tran­si­tion­ing that is allowed to go on in schools. The par­ent was tes­ti­fy­ing in front of Clay coun­ty schools, DeSan­tis backed can­di­dates in the coun­ty and the con­ser­v­a­tives won the dis­trict. Who has heard of a gov­er­nor endors­ing school board can­di­dates.
If you are won­der­ing what hap­pened in GA still after all the wins across the coun­try. We have so many coun­try club repub­li­cans that are after the mon­ey and fame that have fall­en in behind the car­pet­bag­ger mask­ing as Trump sup­port­ers. They are all about fame and mon­ey and F Amer­i­ca and GA to go with it. GA leads the nation in Trump posers.

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