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Ogre Report: FETTERMAN in PA was seen yesterday.


The rea­son coun­try club repub­li­cans win is because they have the mon­ey and demo­c­rat crossover in the GA pri­ma­ry. FL has closed pri­ma­ry. BINGO, good point from a viewer. 

Dai­ly Ogre report. The Ogre was spot­ted yes­ter­day at an event, John Fet­ter­man the can­di­date for Sen­ate in PA. The guy had a stroke and we aren’t being neg­a­tive but maybe if the guy wasn’t drug friend­ly and maybe ate more veg­gies he may not have had a stroke. Fet­ter­man wants to go to the swamp. He won’t debate Dr. Oz. He had a stroke and he can’t focus. They put togeth­er one lin­ers and sim­ple sen­tences so he could go out. The ogre has got­ten a lot of heat. He will not debate. Yes­ter­day, Fet­ter­man could­n’t speak in con­tin­u­ous sen­tences. He is at a friend­ly Pitts­burg Union meet­ing. They are set up to look like he is out on the cam­paign trail. He talks about Dr. Oz’s wealth, mock­ing the Dr. Oz’s cru­dités video. 

If the media doesn’t not under­stand that this is the win­ning nar­ra­tive they would not use the attack, Dr. Oz denies reports of Trump regret dur­ing cam­paign stop at West­more­land Fair. Trump is going to PA on Sep­tem­ber 3 for a ral­ly. The media knows the Trump effect is real and it will work in Novem­ber if the can­di­dates take the 74% and tie it to Trump. The media sto­ries are about veg­gies. Not that Fet­ter­man won’t agree to a debate because he can’t due to the stroke. 

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