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Is That What Republicans are suppose to be?

Fet­ter­man had a major stroke and he cant debate Dr. Oz. He cant put togeth­er a few sen­tences. He was at the steel union meet­ing and he was­nt mak­ing sense. In PA Repub­li­cans are going to win. They are get­ting ner­vous because the gov­er­nor appoints the sec­re­tary of state and the Repub­li­cans are going to win.

NY19 was a spe­cial elec­tion. And no one comes out for the spe­cial elec­tion. So you cant read Novem­ber into NY19 and the Trump sup­port­ers did­nt come out. Moli­naro ran as far away from Trump as he could.

Trump is hav­ing the ral­ly on Sep­tem­ber 3. The reg­u­lar peo­ple are going to show up and the peo­ple that are strug­gling will come out.

We will be at the Toma­to Sand­wich Pic­nic Sat­ur­day and will be at the Gor­don Coun­ty GOP Meet­ing on Sep­tem­ber 8. Come say hel­lo.

How in the world does a kid at 20 years old, look at GA repub­li­cans and say thats a repub­li­can is sup­posed to be.

Is it fair we have job cre­ators and get up in the morn­ing that take a risk and take advan­tage of the tax code for cre­at­ing jobs. For those chil­dren that strug­gled through word prob­lems through school are scratch­ing their heads on the math on the Stu­dent Loan For­give­ness.

We all know that the Biden admin­is­tra­tion knew about the Mar-a-Lago raid but is it pos­si­ble that they did­nt tell Joe.

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