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Should We Call It The Democrat Daily Disaster?

Should we call it the demo­c­rat dai­ly dis­as­ter? Lets not gloss over this is going through the depart­ment of edu­ca­tion. The depart­ment of edu­ca­tion does­nt have your finan­cial data. Are they only going to trust that you make under 125K or will they have to work with the IRS? This is a bureau­cra­cy night­mare and a demo­c­rat dis­as­ter. The depart­ment of edu­ca­tion is already say­ing they dont have enough peo­ple on staff to process all the requests. Won­der what they are hid­ing and how they time what is under­neath.

Win­ner this week is Ron DeSan­tis, because he said we are going to take the elf and throw it into the Potomac.

Mark Zucker­berg tells Joe Rogan FBI warned Face­book of Russ­ian pro­pa­gan­da before Hunter Biden lap­top sto­ry. It was con­firmed that the FBI told Face­book before the sto­ry dropped and when you hear MTG say Defund the FBI you under­stand why.

They will not shut up about NY 19 being the bell­wether coun­try for Novem­ber. Moli­naro ran as far away from Trump as pos­si­ble. The Trump sup­port­ers did­nt come out to vote. There was­nt a bell­wether.

Thurs­day the poll for the PA Sen­ate race, if you look at the gov­er­nor’s race and the sen­ate race they are only up 3 points with the mar­gin of error. Now in PA they did a poll on Trump vs Biden and Trump was up over Biden. Any can­di­date out there run­ning from Trump while you’re cam­paign­ing is mak­ing a big mis­take. 74% of Amer­i­cans say we are on the wrong track and 50% of Amer­i­cans think we would be bet­ter off with Trump in office vs Biden. The left lean­ing social­ist’s media want you to believe that Trump is the worst thing in your cam­paign.

This is what they are try­ing to get you to believe. The Gallup and Ras­mussen poll shows that Bidens approval is up and that Biden has all these wins.

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