Home / Featured Segments / WHATS THE DEAL? Will the wires unravel? STUDENT LOAN DEBT FORGIVENESS


Join­ing the demo­c­rat par­ty is like join­ing the jel­ly of the month club. It’s the gift that keeps on giv­ing all year round. BKP has stud­ied the lib­er­al left social­ist media his entire life. He can pre­dict what is in the works.

Many of the peo­ple in Amer­i­ca did not get the pro­gram­ming. The pro­gram­ming from the indoc­tri­na­tion cen­ters is start­ing to go hay­wire. The rev­o­lu­tion comes when the wire dis­con­nects in the pro­gram when the indi­vid­ual remem­bers some­thing from the past that starts to come true. Stu­dent debt may be that wire that trig­gers it for some peo­ple. We are watch­ing the lib­er­al left social­ist media start to get the pro­gram trig­ger that they have got­ten all of their life and things start to con­nect. The stu­dent debt relief is a total dis­as­ter but it is a plan that has been in place for a long time. They keep play­ing over and over that Joe Biden does­nt have the author­i­ty to do what he did yes­ter­day. This was set up in 2010, but it may go to the supreme court and dis­cov­er that it is not legal. But Oba­ma set it up in 2010, that the gov­ern­ment is insur­ing and back­ing and has all the abil­i­ty to for­give all stu­dent loans. There’s a rea­son that the Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion Sec­re­tary is stand­ing next to Biden dur­ing the announce­ment. They feel and may have until the supreme court says dif­fer­ent the author­i­ty to for­give. Oba­ma and the deep state has planned this for years.

The Wash­ing­ton Post says, Bidens stu­dent loan fix. It’s per­fect for mak­ing the prob­lem worse and the Wall Street Jour­nal say­ing mass stu­dent debt can­cel­la­tion is legal­ly risky, says top Oba­ma edu­ca­tion lawyer. Extend­ed pause until Dec 31, why would any­one ever pay for stu­dent debt again. They have gone around want­i­ng free col­lege. They got it. We laughed when AOC came out with the Green New Deal, you dont think they will make col­lege free.

We laughed at Bernie Sanders at the podi­um dur­ing his pres­i­den­tial run talk­ing about the Green New Deal, it was­nt going to be accept­ed.

Eliz­a­beth War­ren dur­ing her pres­i­den­tial run against Joe, she tout­ed tax, tax, tax the cor­po­ra­tions and free col­lege for all. We said it would nev­er hap­pen. She got it.
Then you have Pete Buttigieg run­ning against Biden who is gay­ing up in Amer­i­ca all day long.

Kamala Har­ris she failed at pres­i­dent but she is the VP and cast­ed the decid­ing vote on the Infla­tion Reduc­tion Act.

Its almost like they all won and Joe is the pup­pet doing the work for the deep state. They all won. Remem­ber when Pelosi sent James Clyburn down to SC to get the black vote and pre­tend that Joe isnt a racist.

They had to have Biden because they con­di­tioned him for 8 years, Oba­ma talked down to him and smacked him down as VP. They knew he would per­form as a place­hold­er for the deep state. They knew that War­ren would get noisy, Bernie would get the flare wav­ing his hands around, and the boy would would be king is not ready for the throne and he would gay up Amer­i­ca.

War­ren say­ing that Amer­i­cans would not be pay­ing anoth­er nick­el on stu­dent debt.

Amer­i­ca feels like suck­ers this morn­ing.

Will they get a gift receipt from the IRS. will they have to pay tax­es. In 2011 mil­lions of peo­ple had to file bank­rupt­cy and when you file bank­rupt­cy you get gift receipts from the cor­po­ra­tions for for­giv­ing the debt. You have to report to the IRS because it has to go some­where. Whats the deal?

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