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Media can only talk about DOCUMENTS, DOCUMENTS, DOCUMENTS

GA Democ­rats gath­ered in Colum­bus, GA this week­end declar­ing that GA is a blue state.

Noticed some­thing that was a lit­tle dif­fer­ent. Not many were cov­er­ing the Stu­dent Loan For­give­ness, it was all about the doc­u­ments, doc­u­ments, doc­u­ments. It is almost like if they dont talk about it, it did­nt hap­pen. And will not pro­duce the sound­bites for repub­li­can com­mer­cials.

The Per­ry Fish Fry was this week­end. It is the place to be seen. Pos­si­bly one of the biggest repub­li­can events in GA.

Appalachi­an Gun and Pawn, Tell asso­ciate I’m Vot­ing Repub­li­can for dis­counts.

If Trump is the nom­i­nee on the Repub­li­can tick­et in 2024 and if Trump wins, will democ­rats accept the loss, and will not repeat what the repub­li­cans did in 2020. Won­der if they will have fake elec­tors and try to have the elec­tion over­turned. Won­der if it will be called the safest elec­tion in his­to­ry. If some­thing hap­pens, are we at a point that we cant return from.

In the state of GA we do not have a true audit of state elec­tions. In 2022, we could not get an audit of the elec­tions. The media will tell you that we have recounts, and hand recounts. We dont have an audit sys­tem on elec­tions in the state of GA. A recount is not an audit. At no time do the vot­ers get to see how the QR code reg­is­ters on the scan­ner. What GA has is a risk-lim­it­ing audit, in which they will pick one coun­ty (a small coun­ty) and pull 5 precincts in that coun­ty. Then pull 5 batch­es with­in that precinct. And see out of the 5 batch­es run par­al­lel to the per­cent­ages to the over­all state elec­tion.

All hell breaks loose if the vot­ers ask to see the bal­lots. If we ask, we are con­sid­ered MAGA repub­li­cans, semi fasist. We arent allowed to have any con­cern what­so­ev­er. We get called all kinds of names.

Andrew Clyde in the 9th con­gres­sion­al dis­trict in GA. He wants law­mak­ers in GA to pass a law to audit 10% of the state of GA elec­tions. A com­plete audit of 16 coun­ties. BKP rec­om­men­da­tion is to do it in pop­u­la­tion blocks. Be on the look­out for that. There are peo­ple out there across the state of GA that are try­ing to fig­ure out how Brad Raf­fensperg­er got on the bal­lot for Novem­ber.

13 ser­vice­mem­bers that lost their lives a year ago in Afghanistan as we were leav­ing abrupt­ly.

The media is def­i­nite­ly try­ing to turn the elec­tion. We know that. We said that ear­ly on. Col­lege loans, not even CNN is buy­ing it. They have decid­ed to shut the talk down because its not work­ing. Democ­rats blast stu­dent loan deci­sions. A very good com­mer­cial came out by Amer­i­can Action Net­work. They tried this week­end and they tried Fri­day to use the PPP loan and it did­nt hit. They imme­di­ate­ly start polling peo­ple. And when they see that some­thing is going in the wrong direc­tion they stop. We talked about the PPP loan. When they put the PPP loan out there they asked all Amer­i­cans to pause. This is where Fau­ci gets away with this, when he leaves he will no longer be under the same require­ments and he is get­ting out before he falls under the author­i­ty of con­gress. They asked the Amer­i­can peo­ple to pause, and small busi­ness­es to pause. Small Busi­ness own­ers dont over inflate their salary to pay extra employ­ment tax. So to get the PPP loan you had to sub­mit an item­ized list for 2 months to pay for your employ­ees. And when the 8 weeks was up the mon­ey was gone. Won­der how many busi­ness­es end­ed up shut­ting up shop because the 8 weeks was­nt enough. Peo­ple are out­raged for the 500B to 1T in stu­dent loan for­give­ness.

The media is work­ing to turn it around. They want you to believe that things look brighter for the demo­c­rat par­ty. Folks repo num­bers are up. Fore­clo­sures are start­ing to go up. Inter­est rates are going through the roof.

All day yes­ter­day, they were talk­ing about the doc­u­ments at Mar-a-Lago. The search affi­davit claimed evi­dence of obstruc­tion at Mar-a-Lago. But what they want you to believe is that the obstruc­tion claim at Mar-a-Lago, but in real amer­i­ca we know that inter­est rates are going up and are tak­ing away the Amer­i­can dream of own­ing a home and cuts at work are being talked about at the water cool­er. They are crash­ing the mar­ket and that is real amer­i­ca out there but they want you to believe the doc­u­ments.

The human clan­des­tine, the CIA, they cant com­pare Hillary Clin­ton and Don­ald Trump. Hillary Clin­ton was Sec­re­tary of State and did not have the exec­u­tive author­i­ty of the pres­i­dent. The moment that Don­ald Trump scoops up the doc­u­ments on his desk and takes them to Mar-a-Lago for the week­end they become declas­si­fied.

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