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We need to dismantle the CIA and FBI

They want you to talk about the doc­u­ments and the clan­des­tine human sources. We need to dis­man­tle the CIA and FBI. They have been spy­ing on Don­ald Trump since 2015.

You will not hear that Trump was in the exec­u­tive branch and will not dis­cuss the pow­ers of the pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States. They want you to believe you should have so much fear from Trump being a pres­i­dent and that they saved you in 2020. There was so much research and impeach­ment and the jan­u­ary 6 tri­al. Their thought this morn­ing is to Let’s make Amer­i­ca thank­ful . We saved them from Don­ald Trump because he is so extreme and that every­one sup­ports him as being extreme.

The theft of the elec­tion was so deep, the FBI, Fau­ci. We are cur­rent­ly watch­ing the theft of anoth­er elec­tion.

Dow plunges over 1000 points after Pow­ell infla­tion remarks. Con­se­quen­tial eco­nom­ic week on the hori­zon fol­low­ing the Fed chair speech. The feds have raised inter­est rates 3 times this year and anoth­er on the hori­zon. They report all the eco­nom­ic num­bers based on what the Fed is doing and not the over­spend­ing. And the tril­lions and tril­lions of dol­lars Biden has put a pen too, not the 500B of the give­aways. And they arent going to say it will increase the infla­tion because they are not going to print any more mon­ey.

Now they are going to turn it to the Feds fault. Eliz­a­beth War­ren warned that what the Fed is doing will trip the econ­o­my into a reces­sion. No talk over the week­end of the cor­rupt car­tel of high­er learn­ing or tuition costs, just give them bailout mon­ey. It is the same as bailout unions, cor­po­ra­tions, and demo­c­rat states. Pow­ell said there will be more pain for house­holds and busi­ness­es.

Joe Biden is call­ing Lar­ry Hogan main­stream repub­li­cans and call­ing us fasist.

Our con­sti­tu­tion gives our com­man­der in chief the exec­u­tive pow­er to declas­si­fy doc­u­ments. All these peo­ple that are say­ing hillary clin­ton, there is no com­par­i­son to Don­ald Trump.

They want you to talk about Doug Mas­tri­ano in PA who is run­ning for Gov­er­nor in PA and he was pic­tured in a con­fed­er­ate uni­form in Get­tys­burg PA. And in WI Gov­er­nor polling a tie. Michels and Mas­tri­ano are too extreme and too far to the right. They are both endorsed by Trump. Michels beat Pence, for­mer Gov Scott Walk­er, for­mer Speak­er of the House Paul Ryan and for­mer RNC chair Reince Priebus.

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