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THE SAME FBI — stole the election, searched Mar-a-Lago, & filter team for documents


The FBI said that the fil­ter team has com­plet­ed their review of the priv­i­leged doc­u­ments seized in the Aug 8 search of Don­ald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home. They don’t want the Amer­i­can peo­ple to know what is the redact­ed affi­davit or what is in the box­es they are cov­er­ing it up. The FBI is telling the judge that there is no need for a spe­cial mas­ter Who is on the fil­ter team, there is no need to know who is on the fil­ter team. We do not know if it is com­posed of peo­ple that have that ulti­mate ulti­mate secu­ri­ty clear­ance; we don’t know just how secure the fil­ter team is. The media wants you to believe that they saved you from some­thing lead­ing up to Novem­ber. The same media that cov­ered up the lap­top and now they have saved you from some­thing that Trump was cook­ing. Only the FBI can know and the DOJ can know. The fil­ter team used by the DOJ, who’s fil­ter team. The media ripped the team apart that did the Ari­zona audit, Cyber Nin­jas. But the FBI fil­ter team is ok. 

The FBI is try­ing to run some cov­er here, they know they are in deep trou­ble. Top FBI agent resigns amid claims he shield Hunter Biden from probe. The FBI went to Face­book telling them Face­book needs to be on high alert and be vig­i­lant in man­ag­ing the mis­in­for­ma­tion from Rus­sia. The dis­tri­b­u­tion was decreased, the rank­ing was decreased, by a mean­ing­ful mar­gin. The New York Post pub­lished what the lap­top had. Politi­co puts the sto­ry in Nation­al Secu­ri­ty. The FBI goes to Zucker­burg telling them to get ready for this mis­in­for­ma­tion dump. They decreased it and changed the rank­ing so few­er peo­ple saw it. These are the con­trols, and the repub­lic can­not stand because of the con­trols of what you see when you see and manip­u­late your life. They manip­u­late every­thing you see and hear. There is atho­rigim there they can set, and direct where the post can go. If it was a free flow­ing forum, the hot­ter the sto­ry gets the high­er the rank­ing gets and it goes viral. They pre­vent­ed the Hunter Biden lap­top from going viral. They did every­thing to shut it down. If the Amer­i­can peo­ple had known the sto­ry and the details the elec­tion would have gone dif­fer­ent­ly. They had a press con­fer­ence and the media made fun of Bobilin­s­ki and shut him down. The 50 for­mer intel­li­gence offi­cials signed the let­ter cast­ing doubt on the New York Post sto­ry on Hunter Biden. This let­ter is the scari­est thing in Amer­i­ca is this let­ter claim­ing that the lap­top has all the clas­sic ear­marks of a Russ­ian infor­ma­tion operation. 

The same FBI was alert­ed to the lap­top in the shop in Delaware pri­or to the own­er giv­ing the lap­top to Rudy Giu­liani, the same FBI that raid­ed Mar-a-Lago, the same FBI that went through the doc­u­ments. The total dis­man­tling of all intel­li­gence agen­cies has to hap­pen. And the media is report­ing on Biden’s big wins. It wasn’t just Zucker­burg. The FBI coor­di­nat­ed with the DNC and the biden cam­paign. Where is the list and where all they went to cov­er up the sto­ry, Zuckerburg/Facebook wasn’t the only place. 

Tim­o­thy Thibault, a 25-year vet­er­an, had already been on sus­pen­sion after Grass­ley and Ron John­son pres­sur­ing for information. 

Biden is in the base­ment and Trump is out there hav­ing ral­lies try­ing to save Amer­i­ca from what Chi­na did to this coun­try. And the FBI works to manip­u­late the election. 

The deep state over­laps and works for both polit­i­cal par­ties. And it wasn’t until they hit the wall of Don­ald Trump that they start­ed show­ing their true col­ors. The 50 that signed the let­ter were all indi­vid­u­als who served in senior posi­tions in pol­i­cy depart­ments and agen­cies and some served in senior posi­tions in the Intel­li­gence Com­mu­ni­ty. Some were polit­i­cal appointees and some were career officials. 

Our own damn peo­ple stole the elec­tion. Foriegn gov­ern­ment did not manip­u­late or do any­thing sig­nif­i­cant­ly to manip­u­late the elec­tion. Sad­ly, the major­i­ty of thiefs are done by peo­ple you know, and we know, it’s our own intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty. The 50 that signed it know that it is a lie to manip­u­late the elec­tion. They know what needs to be kept qui­et. Signed by Jim Clap­per (for­mer direc­tor of nation­al intel­li­gence) Mike Hay­den (CIA), Leon Panet­ta (CIA). John Bren­nan (cia), Thomas Fin­ger (NIA), Rick Leg­ett (NSA), John McLaugh­lin (CIA), Michael Morell (CIA)… 50 of them. Michael Morell was on Face the Nation this past Sun­day to talk about Mar-a-Lago and the doc­u­ments. We got to know every­one in the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty and clean them out. 

You need to get the big pic­tures, because they are sweep­ing the lit­tle pic­ture under the rug. If we put a lit­tle fear in those elect­ed offi­cials we will get rid of the machines. 

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