Home / News / WE must vote Republican in November, MSM pushes for Civil War

WE must vote Republican in November, MSM pushes for Civil War


We don’t have a short­age of employ­ees, we don’t have any work­ers. A warm body can fill out an appli­ca­tion and a warm boy can show up. Amer­i­ca is weep­ing what was sown. Amer­i­ca is suf­fer­ing from a lack of work­ers. Our young peo­ple do not under­stand work. Unem­ploy­ment is at an all time low. 15 years ago a fast food restau­rant had 5 peo­ple, now there are 15 and it is slow because they don’t have workers. 

They are lying. We must vote repub­li­can. We don’t want a civ­il war. But we can over­whelm the sys­tem so they can’t cheat. Zucker­burg knows that the repub­li­cans are fix­in to win the house. This may be the media’s last attempt at mind con­trol. They have to start now to cov­er their ass. Go Vote, that’s your civ­il war. They want blood­shed to be able to label you extreme. Biden doesn’t have respect for you. He called you semi-fasist. Democ­rats are not allowed to have their own think­ing. They want blood­shed. They want to think you are extreme and they want you to think our can­di­dates are so extreme that they would actu­al­ly take down the intel­li­gence community. 

They don’t want to talk about Afghanistan. We spent 20 years in Afghanistan. Our nation­al trea­sure, our chil­dren, blood, sweat and tears in the desert. 97% of Afghans will be liv­ing in pover­ty by the end of the year and a famine pos­si­ble with win­ter com­ing. Girls and women have been mar­gin­al­ized and are pro­hib­it­ed from going to school. After a year ago today, Biden is killing chil­dren, starv­ing chil­dren, women can’t go to school, the Tal­iban is dri­ving our vehi­cles and using our weapons polic­ing their streets mak­ing sure women are not out after dark and are not with­out an escort. 

This is the media manip­u­la­tion: Biden’s New Look. Biden’s “Safer Amer­i­ca” Plan. This is the guy we trust to give us a safer amer­i­ca? Biden to give a prime-time speech about the “soul of the nation”. 

So we are led to believe that the Tal­iban is say­ing that Zawahiri wasn’t even in Kab­ul or our intel com­mu­ni­ty. The same intel com­mu­ni­ty that squashed the Hunter Biden lap­top, that spied on Don­ald Trump, that has gone through the box­es at Mar-a-Lago. They haven’t released the DNA of Zawahiri, we sent in a drone and blew up a bal­cony. The media report­ed it via what they were told by the intel com­mu­ni­ty. But we do know the 13 kids were killed because they came home in box­es as Joe Biden checked his watch because he had to be somewhere. 

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