Home / News / Dems are trying to turn the narrative on Defund the Police by linking the FBI

Dems are trying to turn the narrative on Defund the Police by linking the FBI

They are try­ing to turn, defund the police and hurt them so bad, they are doing every­thing to turn that mes­sage around. They are hop­ing that recent calls to defund the FBI can work in their favor here.

Agent accused of scut­tling Hunter Biden Probe out at the FBI. This is the escape goat, Tim­o­thy Thibault. Thibault released a state­ment that he freely resigned his posi­tion at the bureau. Con­tin­ue your research on this. We know that on May 31, 2022 Chuck Grass­ley wrote a let­ter to Mer­rick Gar­land and Christo­pher Wrey. There is no such thing as a coin­ci­dence. We know what they did in squash­ing on the Hunter Biden sto­ry. We know the lev­el of cor­rup­tion and they dont want it out so they pick an oppor­tune time to raid Mar-a-Lago. They want you to believe that this guy is a lone wolf. The cor­rup­tion is so deep. They spied on Trump the cit­i­zen, Trump the can­di­date, Trump the Pres­i­dent-elect, Trump the Pres­i­dent, Trump the for­mer Pres­i­dent. They want to put Trump on the bal­lot, mean­ing that They dont want you to vote for that can­di­date, they want you to think that can­di­date is so extreme that you wont vote for that can­di­date. They will indict Trump and it is pos­si­ble they do before the elec­tion. What did they save you from, but it was so dan­ger­ous. The gov­ern­ment has the review team that has already gone through the doc­u­ments. The review team has laid out the doc­u­ments and tak­en pic­tures. The dan­gers that sur­round­ed you while you slept because Trump is in the world. You will nev­er know what was in the box­es. They are already done review­ing the box­es. You will only inter­fere with the inves­ti­ga­tion with a spe­cial mas­ter. The fil­ter team is FBI agents and DOJ attor­neys had to go through addi­tion­al secu­ri­ty clear­ances to review them.

Trump wants a spe­cial mas­ter. They are bypass­ing the Hunter Biden sto­ry, no where are they talk­ing about Mark Zucker­burg where the FBI tipped them off of the Russ­ian pro­pa­gan­da. Only about the doc­u­ments that were seized at Mar-a-Lago and in the deck of Pres­i­dent Trump. Trump shares a bar­rage of QAnon con­tent and oth­er con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries on his social media plat­form, could it be the Hunter Biden sto­ry or the ille­gals com­ing across the bor­der. No where did they talk about the can­dy col­ored fen­tanyl pills that are com­ing across the bor­der. You think it was only one per­son that left the FBI. This is a scare tac­tic to Inde­pen­dent vot­ers. Repub­li­cans are ener­gized. Democ­rats only hope is to scare inde­pen­dents and have them live under fear. What they want is to indict Trump, there is a dif­fer­ence between want­i­ng to and actu­al­ly do it. The clos­er the elec­tion comes and if they indict Trump, it could back­fire but if some come out in retal­i­a­tion because of an indict­ment, it does­n’t mat­ter if it is 1 per­son or 5, they could come out and say how dan­ger­ous it is to have Trump in the world you’re liv­ing in. 74% of Amer­i­cans think things are on the wrong track. 60% of Amer­i­cans want to fix crazy. They dont want to hear it with pro­nouns. Over 50% think that if Trump was pres­i­dent this crazy would­nt be going on. They dont want you to talk about Afghanistan, Hunter, the prices of food, gas they want to brag they are low­er. And the way they do that is to talk about Trump and raid his home to tell you they saved you from some­thing.

Stocks drop for a third straight day on rate rise expec­ta­tions. They want to hide every crazy thing they are doing. L.A. Coun­ty rolls out uni­ver­sal basic income pilot, 1,000 res­i­dents to get $1,000 per month.

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