Home / News / JOE BIDEN got angry in PA and blasts MAGA over anti-police stance

JOE BIDEN got angry in PA and blasts MAGA over anti-police stance

It is Labor day week­end. There are a lot of activ­i­ties going on. In Gor­don Coun­ty next Thurs­day on Sep­tem­ber 8.

Joe went to PA yes­ter­day. He got angry. Now Fet­ter­man could­nt attend. Here is the con­cern, they are just walk­ing across the bor­der. But what is the biggest con­cern they have? Texas spends $12M to bus migrants to NYC and Wash­ing­ton DC. The sit­u­a­tion has been dif­fi­cult to solve, the Biden Admin­is­tra­tion is up against so much at the bor­der. They dont want to talk about the migrants that are walk­ing across the bor­der unvac­ci­nat­ed. The news sto­ry is the mon­ey that Texas is spend­ing. They dont want to talk about the rain­bow col­ored fen­tanyl strapped to their legs just walk­ing across the bor­der. Let’s start with the death and the killing that is tak­ing place across this coun­try with fen­tanyl and our chil­dren. Biden is in PA scream­ing about the FBI, what about our kids. What about stop­ping the migrants walk­ing across the bor­der to bring fen­tanyl into this coun­try. The drug enforce­ment admin­is­tra­tion issued a for­mal warn­ing to the pub­lic about the time of can­dy col­ored rain­bow fen­tanyl com­ing across the bor­der. Scar­brough and gang laugh at the head­lines about the migrants com­ing across the bor­der. They dont have the skin in the game and arent going to the funer­als because of the dam­age fen­tanyl in this coun­try.

Joe Biden does­n’t cam­paign with Fet­ter­man, Casey Jr is on stage with him in PA. Biden blasts MAGA Repub­li­cans over anti-police stance. Lis­ten to Joe, he is on the warpath. He is going to take your guns. The threats on the FBI and their fam­i­lies. Can you throw that in that about the threats on MTG and her fam­i­ly, can you throw that into your scream­ing speech. The FBI and our local police are not the same. Joe is angry at MAGA. Biden wants to take your AR-15 with the Safer Amer­i­ca Plan. fund the police with 100K addi­tion­al police offi­cers. Invest in crime pre­ven­tion 20B in ser­vices that address root caus­es. Com­mon Sense Steps on Guns to ban assault weapons. Is gang vio­lence and crime in the plan? What about the crim­i­nals that are cross­ing the bor­der? But the media is going to make Joe Biden sound amaz­ing. This is the appeal of Joes wins from the media and say­ing that it is a work­ing strat­e­gy just in time to make inde­pen­dents think the extreme. PA has 2024 impli­ca­tions. IF PA gets a repub­li­can gov­er­nor and a repub­li­can sen­a­tor and they get an appoint­ment for a repub­li­can sec­re­tary of state and they stop the mail in cor­rup­tion on elec­tions it could be bad for democ­rats in PA.

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