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It’s Time to Focus with 63 days to the Election


It is time to focus. There are 63 days until an elec­tion. Full steam ahead. One of the major Biden ral­lies in PA this week­end with maybe 100 in atten­dance. You get emails from the unions and beg you to come out. Biden is so bad he doesn’t even get the can­di­dates to show up. 

Sat­ur­day night, hol­i­day week­end 10k Trump­ies come out in Wilkes-Barre PA with 250K view­ing on one stream­ing source. We will get an updat­ed report from the ground in PA at 9am. Lee Snover will give us some details from the OZ team. 

Get Ready 200M and maybe more is about to drop on elec­tions here in GA. You will see polit­i­cal ads galore every­where, like you have nev­er seen before just in GA alone. Prob­a­bly close to 700B from coast to coast will be spent on cam­paign ads.
Who is the true ene­my of Amer­i­ca? Let’s put cam­paign finance on the top of the list. Buy­ing votes. Gov­er­nors got bil­lions of dol­lars to use as they pleased with the Amer­i­can Res­cue Plan in an elec­tion year. 

If you want to talk about a stolen elec­tion. It was just elec­tion day. You can’t just talk about the domin­ion machines, Act 77 in PA, the fraud absen­tee bal­lots, 2000 mules that got paid for bal­lot har­vest­ing. If you want to talk about elec­tion integri­ty and stolen elec­tions you can’t get stuck on elec­tion day. This will be the big top cir­cus show of all cir­cus shows. 

In a rur­al coun­ty in GA. The chair­man of the GOP, Christo­pher Mora, has peti­tioned to have a recount/audit done of the bal­lots for the May 24 repub­li­can pri­ma­ry for the gov­er­nor and sec­re­tary of state race. He is asked to unseal the bal­lots to do the audit. Fri­day if the judge per­mits it, BKP will broad­cast live from the court­room around 1:30pm. If the judge says yes, it will set a prece­dence that will steam­roll across the state. 

We have a judge that has appoint­ed the spe­cial mas­ter that has stopped the DOJ in its tracks. 

Tonight the Chero­kee Coun­ty Com­mis­sion­ers meet­ing is tonight and the cit­i­zens are going to tell their com­mis­sion­ers they do not want to vote on the machines. There are things in the works about the machines in GA. 

The peo­ple in Jack­son MS just got the water back on. The demo­graph­ics there in Jack­son MS. 82.5% of 166K peo­ple are black went with­out water for days. Why didn’t Joe Biden go to Jack­son MS with 100K black vot­ers? Why did he let the vot­ers sit with­out water in this heat. It is peo­ple in need, democ­rats aren’t inter­est­ed in true peo­ple in need. Jack­son MS has a demo­c­rat may­or and 6 out of 7 city coun­cil mem­bers are democ­rats. Is the media run­ning away from this demo­c­rat dis­as­ter and aban­don­ing this city. 

The media goes nuts over this post by Trump call­ing for chang­ing the elec­tion results. Trump post­ed about the cor­rupt DOJ and FBI and the sin­is­ter and evil direc­tion and the scam of the DOJ. 

For you base­ball fans out there. Aaron Judge hits 54th home run, stay­ing ahead of Roger Maris. This is a drug free play­er about to break the record. 

While Joe is out on the cam­paign trail they are mak­ing adjust­ments at the White House. 

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