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Who is the true Enemy of the American people?

If you pass the largest bill deal­ing with cli­mate change. There has nev­er been this much mon­ey stolen from the Amer­i­can peo­ple at one time. You would want to bring in the right per­son and you would want to leave the 370B to the right per­son. And when you have to pad the pock­ets of all these politi­cians. Gina McCarthy is set to leave her post in the com­ing weeks after dems pass major cli­mate reg­u­la­tion. She has stayed on longer than expect­ed. Why is she leav­ing and who would you think is tak­ing her place? This is why Joe is out on the trail with 200 peo­ple and call­ing us semi-fas­cists and trump­ies. This goes right in line with Susan Rice, Barack Oba­ma, Valerie Jar­ret. .. John Podes­ta. This is the theft. John Podes­ta is set to come in as cli­mate chief as the Biden admin­is­tra­tion moves on to the next phase of the cli­mate agen­da. In the last 24 months, we have nev­er had this amount of theft of the Amer­i­cans peo­ple’s mon­ey. Podes­ta is com­ing in the crim­i­nal no one looks phase. These are not the head­lines out there. John Podes­ta to over­see $370B in US Cli­mate spend­ing. Won­der if Joe Manchin and Krys­ten Sine­ma knew that John Podes­ta would be the one to lead the cli­mate scam, did Mitch McConnell know? They did­nt announce it before the vote. They wait­ed until Labor Day Week­end. Podes­ta served under Oba­ma. This theif/plan has been in the works for a long time. To end the auto indus­try and to force the tran­si­tion. Podes­ta has pre­vi­ous­ly served as White House chief of staff for Bill Clin­ton. Served in Hillary’s cam­paign. With Oba­ma for 8 years.

All we hear about is the judge that issued the need for a spe­cial mas­ter. Now what the Trump team will do is rec­om­mend who they think the spe­cial mas­ter should be. And the DOJ will do the same. Then the Judge will deter­mine the spe­cial mas­ter. This will cool the heels of the nar­ra­tive they want to run about Trump. This will slow it down until after the midterm elec­tion most like­ly.

Bidens most angry speech to the Amer­i­can peo­ple.

Remem­ber when the lap­top hit in Octo­ber 2020. When word came that Tony Bob­u­lin­s­ki said he knew the Big Guy. Now the damn­ing new details emerge in ex-FBI agen­t’s role in shut­ting down Hunter Biden lap­top probe. Keep in mind there is no way one agent could do this by them­selves. Remem­ber the NY Post put out the arti­cle about the com­put­er repair shop that had the lap­top and how twit­ter shut it down. And 50 for­mer FBI/CIA mem­bers came out say­ing it was fake. It went into full coverup. And remem­ber Zucker­burg comes out to Joe Rogan say­ing that the FBI came to him to stop the mis­in­for­ma­tion in Oct 2020. Was Tim Thibault left under mys­te­ri­ous cir­cum­stances. NY Post states that Thibault hid intel from the whistle­blow­er on Hunter and was inter­est­ed in nation­al secu­ri­ty. Thibault was the agent to man­age Bob­u­lin­s­ki. How much did the DOJ know at the same time that the FBI was sup­press­ing the infor­ma­tion about the lap­top, that would be William Barr. Bob­u­lin­s­ki was inter­viewed by the FBI for 5 hours on Octo­ber 23, 2020 one day after Bob­u­lin­s­ki named Joe Biden as the Big Guy in Hunters emails. Bob­u­lin­s­ki turned over the con­tents of 3 cell­phones con­tain­ing encrypt­ed mes­sages between Hunter and his busi­ness part­ners along with emails and finan­cial doc­u­ments detail­ing the alleged Biden fam­i­ly cor­rup­tion dur­ing Joe Bidens two terms as VP. So when Trump puts this out. Now that the FBI and DOJ have been caught in a mas­sive and deter­mi­na­tive Elec­tion Rig­ging Scam, are they doing to change the results?

The Top Depart­ment of Jus­tice lawyer was part­ners with Hunters attor­ney.

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