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Citizens banding together voicing their concerns in small counties around the country

We are try­ing every­thing to make sure the infor­ma­tion is out there for peo­ple to share. We are now run­ning the show live there along with the FYNTV app that can be down­loaded.

Last night at the Chero­kee Board of Com­mis­sion­ers meet­ing with stand­ing room only to lis­ten to a 15 minute speech by David Clements, for­mer Uni­ver­si­ty of New Mex­i­co. You may know him from his con­tro­ver­sial videos about elec­tions. He came to speak to the Chero­kee Coun­ty Board of Com­mis­sion­ers meet­ing to tell them about the Domin­ion vot­ing machines. In talk­ing to elec­tion offi­cials, BKP tells them that the peo­ple they rep­re­sent are not hap­py with the machines. These are con­sti­tu­tion lov­ing patri­ots. Biden declared that the MAGA crowd is a dan­ger and a threat to Amer­i­ca. Do you think that if 10K peo­ple would get togeth­er and there would be vio­lence hap­pen­ing after the Trump ral­ly in PA. But there was noth­ing. In com­par­i­son from the Biden ral­ly in PA and the patri­ots in atten­dance at the Chero­kee Coun­ty BOC meet­ing, it is pos­si­ble that the BOC had more in atten­dance. Jim Hoft was at the meet­ing last night with the Gate­way Pun­dit. The videos from last night are on Rum­ble.

We have built these mas­sive gov­ern­ment cen­ters, cour­t­hous­es, board of edu­ca­tion cen­ters. And they look at the peo­ple telling them they will remove every­one from the build­ing, and who pays for the build­ing. The tax­pay­er is the one that pays the bills.

Foot­ball and Pol­i­tics col­lide for UGA sea­son open­er. It has been a long time since Her­schel has done any­thing pub­lic with the Heis­man tro­phy. The best thing that Her­schel has going for him right now is that it is col­lege foot­ball sea­son right now. It is Col­lege Foot­ball Sea­son and He is Her­schel Walk­er.

We will talk about Fet­ter­man: As chair­man of the Board of Par­dons, Fet­ter­man is try­ing to get out as many crim­i­nals as he can. Fet­ter­man wants to release pris­on­ers that are serv­ing a life sen­tence for mur­der. Cana­di­an offi­cials blast the parole board for releas­ing ex-con with 59 arrests on his record and as soon as he is out he kills. What could go wrong with that as Fet­ter­man wants to release the prison pop­u­la­tion on the streets of PA.

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