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The MAGA roundup is starting while the damage to our kids will continue with SEL

This is the con­cern­ing sto­ry of the day. Pay atten­tion. Joe Biden is mak­ing speech­es and mak­ing threats to MAGA. and They are vil­i­fy­ing us for not tak­ing the shot they call a vac­cine, for not wear­ing a mask and they have tak­en full shots on MAGA want­i­ng to round peo­ple up. A Jan 6 defen­dant turned in by ex he called a moron and gets nine months in prison. Pay atten­tion to this sto­ry. Out­side of Hunter Biden this is the biggest sto­ry of the day. New Mex­i­co judge bans Cow­boys for Trump co-founder from hold­ing pub­lic office after he vio­lat­ed the 14th amend­ment. Dis­qual­i­fy­ing him from hold­ing pub­lic office under sec­tion 3 of the 14th amend­ment. This judge made a move that they have been try­ing to do to MTG in GA. Couy Grif­fin is a duly elect­ed offi­cial and now a judge has put it out there that he is dis­qual­i­fied from hold­ing office. This is the first step in get­ting it to hap­pen to dis­qual­i­fy can­di­dates from get­ting on the bal­lot. This rul­ing will per­ma­nent­ly enjoin and pro­hib­it from seek­ing or hold­ing any fed­er­al or state posi­tion. Grif­fin was nev­er con­vict­ed of any crime. This judge took hit upon him­self to rule dis­qual­i­fi­ca­tion because of Griffins par­tic­i­pa­tion in the Jan 6 Capi­tol riot and deemed him to nev­er be qual­i­fied to run in this coun­try again. Who else are they try­ing to keep off the bal­lot?

This is what they did to our kids. We need to put Biden on the bal­lot. He is a buf­foon. Biden had to go beg for the democ­rats to come out.

More than a mil­lion stu­dents nev­er showed up last school year. An esti­mat­ed 1.1 mil­lion k‑12 stu­dents reg­is­tered nev­er showed up for class. Near­ly half of pub­lic school teach­ers said they had at least one stu­dent who enrolled but remained unac­count­ed for. 3 out of 4 of those teach­ers said they have had more stu­dents unac­count­ed for by the end of the year than in pre­vi­ous years. School enroll­ment has dropped by more than a mil­lion stu­dents nation­wide. The COVID rules and non­sense they would put in place for these stu­dents. On the mon­ey side, the schools get mon­ey for atten­dance. In GA the gov­er­nor of GA waived atten­dance require­ments. They all want to brag under nor­mal times how great atten­dance is because that is what the fed­er­al and state mon­ey is com­ing from. They dont sus­pend kids from school, they give them in school sus­pen­sion to keep atten­dance up. This is where SEL (Social Emo­tion­al Learn­ing) comes into play. We have done so much dam­age to our kids. And now we will need SEL teach­ers to com­bat the dam­age COVID has done to our kids, data show­ing 84 per­cent of pub­li­can schools agree that stu­dents behav­ioral devel­op­ment has been neg­a­tive­ly impact­ed.

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