Home / News / Fetterman is shrinking in the polls and here is why

Fetterman is shrinking in the polls and here is why

Here is what we are real­ly get­ting to: the con­ver­sa­tion is easy to have with your neigh­bors. Dont get pulled down the rab­bit hole with the doc­u­ments and Mar-a-Lago. Stay focused on the things that are affect­ing Amer­i­ca. Its the econ­o­my stu­pid.

New John Fet­ter­man video rais­es ques­tions on his fit­ness for office. He absolute­ly can­not debate any­one. This guy wants to legal­ize drugs, have safe injec­tion sites for ille­gal drug usage paid for by tax­pay­ers, and emp­ty the pris­ons. The video clip of remarks made dur­ing Labor Day speech in PA has many ques­tion­ing his health. All Fet­ter­man can do is launch an online cam­paign mock­ing Dr. Oz. Fet­ter­man has a speech ther­a­pist and he can not debate because he cant get out a full thought. He is going down in the poll because he had a stroke and peo­ple are begin­ning to learn who he is. The inter­view he had on MSNBC is done with a teleprompter and MSNBC gave him the ques­tions pri­or. It was not an inter­view. The crime of Philadel­phia has increased while Fet­ter­man wants to let a third of the prison pop­u­la­tion out. Amer­i­ca has a crime dis­as­ter. Its a scary time in these cities. Talk to these peo­ple, crime and what they have done to our chil­dren. When Fet­ter­man was May­or of a city he pulled a shot­gun and aimed it at the chest of a black man with six police offi­cers. Pitts­burgh Post Gazette writes, If Mr. Fet­ter­man is not well enough to debate his oppo­nent, that rais­es seri­ous con­cerns about his abil­i­ty to serve as a US Sen­a­tor. Fet­ter­man blew Conor Lamb out of the water in the pri­ma­ry because Conor Lamb could­nt be trust­ed by the demo­c­rat machine. Also Conor Lamb does­nt have statewide recog­ni­tion. Fet­ter­man has the pro­gres­sive side with Bernie Sanders and he has statewide name recog­ni­tion. Peo­ple in PA have heard the name Fet­ter­man in the past, but they dont know him. Fet­ter­man is the Lt Gov of PA many peo­ple dont know who their Lt Gov­er­nor is. Most of the time the Lt Gov gets elect­ed on the coat­tails of the gov­er­nor. He ran a real qui­et race when he ran for Lt Gov. Now he is in the spot­light with his run for Sen­ate and peo­ple are begin­ning to real­ize who he is and what he stands for. As John Fet­ter­man is get­ting exposed, his polling is shrink­ing and dis­ap­pear­ing.

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