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Aren’t we FREE THINKERS and Shouldn’t we ASK QUESTIONS

Think about this. What they are try­ing to get you to believe. We are allowed to be free thinkers and ask ques­tions. They want to lead you to believe they saved you from some­thing and they have their new hero, William Barr. You want us to believe that Joe Biden, Liz Chaney, Adam Kinzinger and there is this sep­a­ra­tion of the repub­li­can par­ty. And Joe Biden went Mega on the MAGA crowd. And Fox News is bring­ing the inde­pen­dents that vote repub­li­cans away from the MAGA repub­li­cans. We have 2 months left before the elec­tion. Fox News is part of this method­i­cal sep­a­ra­tion to ener­gize the democ­rats and the ratio­nal repub­li­cans. Its all set up. If repub­li­cans can’t stay focused and win in a land­slide across this coun­try in Novem­ber, it may nev­er hap­pen again. If you are a can­di­date and fall­en into the doc­u­ments and Trump and you cant focus on the issues of Amer­i­ca then you dont deserve to be elect­ed. For the next 60 days the deep state has teams that are dis­patched every­where when a repub­li­can stops to bring the nar­ra­tive back to the demo­c­rat talk­ing points. Stay focused on the stu­dent learn­ing loss and what they did to our chil­dren. We dont want to hear about clas­si­fied doc­u­ments and Trump being indict­ed. They want to hear about the crime in our cities.

It is dev­as­tat­ing what they did to our chil­dren.

The prime min­is­ter of Japan died and they are final­ly hold­ing his state funer­al and we are send­ing Kamala Har­ris. She must have com­plet­ed as the bor­der czar and got­ten South Amer­i­ca coun­tries ful­ly fund­ed.

The DOJ faces a dead­line on a spe­cial mas­ter. The DOJ has until Mid­night tomor­row night to sub­mit an appeal to the spe­cial mas­ter. All of the infor­ma­tion that has been released is com­ing from the FBI and the high­ly respectable fil­ter team. These are all leaks com­ing out from the inves­ti­ga­tion. If there is an inves­ti­ga­tion you get noth­ing, not a leak, they tight­en up the infor­ma­tion. Gen­er­al­ly all you get from an inves­ti­ga­tion is a redact­ed war­rant, or a sum­ma­ry of the inves­ti­ga­tion. The doc­u­ments are an inves­ti­ga­tion with the DOJ and you should­nt be hear­ing any­thing. There should­nt be one sin­gle news­cast say­ing what they have learned. But what you need to under­stand is that they have it so hyped up that you should be in so much fear of what Don­ald Trump was doing. Yes­ter­day Bill Barr came out par­tic­i­pat­ing in the method­i­cal lay­out to get those repub­li­cans and the inde­pen­dents to sep­a­rate away from the MAGA crowd. MSNBC and CNN have the job to get the democ­rats in a fren­zy. Foxs job is to sep­a­rate the inde­pen­dents. If it is as bad as it is report­ed and you are doing the inves­ti­ga­tion and you have the goods on the Trump inves­ti­ga­tion. The very same day that you go into Mar-a-Lago, you send a team into Bed­min­is­ter and in Trump Tow­er if you are real­ly con­cerned about the infor­ma­tion that Trump has. Sup­pos­ed­ly Trump has been play­ing cat and mouse with the archives and there is a time­line. And if I know in advance they are clos­ing in on me, would you move the doc­u­ments, if you know John­ny Law is com­ing you move the goods. It is all set up and chore­o­graphed to get you to believe some­thing all before an elec­tion. It is an attempt to steal an elec­tion. If you want to talk about steal­ing the elec­tion you have to go back to the begin­ning and not just elec­tion night.

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