Home / News / The documents in Mar-a-Lago are so dire that “People will die” & Update on the Pickens Co case

The documents in Mar-a-Lago are so dire that “People will die” & Update on the Pickens Co case

Peo­ple will die, says Mark Warn­er (D‑VA) top demo­c­rat says its essen­tial the Sen­ate intel­li­gence com­mit­tee be briefed on how much dam­age trump caused by tak­ing doc­u­ments to Mar-a-Lago. Com­par­ing 9/11 to Jan 6, the insur­gency attack from with­in. No talk about the cri­sis in Afghanistan since the Biden depar­ture and we still have no evi­dence of the killing of Zawahiri. And they want to do a dam­age assess­ment of the doc­u­ments in Mar-a-Lago. What about the dam­age assess­ment of the bor­der, the way we left Afghanistan and the ter­ror­ist activ­i­ty in this coun­try. They want you to believe they saved you from some­thing.

Fri­day there was the hear­ing for the Christo­pher Mora vs Pick­ens Co Board of Elec­tions to unseal the bal­lots. There has been a lot of mis­un­der­stand­ing. Phil Lan­drum is the coun­ty attor­ney and when you are the coun­ty attor­ney. You are legal coun­sel and acts as gen­er­al coun­sel for all the boards in the coun­ty. For instance, for the board of edu­ca­tion, board of elec­tions, board of com­mis­sion­ers. As a board of elec­tions attor­ney he could not write the order for the board of elec­tions at the same time defend the board in the law­suit with Christo­pher Mora. When the coun­ty gets a law­suit they have to defend them­selves. Lan­drums argu­ment was that to get the case dis­missed he could write the order. He also says to the judge if Christo­pher Mora can peti­tion the court to unseal the bal­lots then any­one could peti­tion the court to do so. So if what he is say­ing is true then what stops any cit­i­zen peti­tion­ing the court to have stand­ing. What state law­mak­er is going to stand up and clar­i­fy. Home­work: go to Voice of Rur­al Amer­i­ca Face­book page go back to July and the board of elec­tions make the motion. In August the board of elec­tions com­ing back say­ing they cant com­ment. And there are a few GOP meet­ings where Rick Jasperse is talk­ing about the hear­ing. Then there is the hear­ing on Fri­day that is also on the Face­book page. Then at the event on Sat­ur­day there is an update from David Oles. BKP opin­ion is that the bal­lots will not get unsealed in Pick­ens Coun­ty.

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