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Don’t let the Deep State Corporate Corrupt Media paint the picture

If we can keep the momen­tum going. If we can stick togeth­er and not let the deep state cor­po­rate cor­rupt media not paint the pic­ture. Dont see the demo­c­rat illu­sion. Any time you lis­ten to the deep state media report any­thing, it is as if you are at a mag­ic show, the sleight of hand. They are in pan­ic mode. They will not debate. If they say they will debate there are so many rules in place and they will only pick their mod­er­a­tors.

They are des­per­ate. Won­der if democ­rats have kicked into oper­a­tion steal elec­tion 2022 mode. They are in trou­ble. Their Queen Abrams isnt catch­ing on and is down about 8 points in polls. Their excite­ment with Fet­ter­man in PA now that he is a woman. And Kamala say­ing we have secured the bor­der. Why did Chuck Todd ask the ques­tion?

Voice of Rur­al Amer­i­ca has a seg­ment on Fri­days with a lead­ing oncol­o­gist to answer ques­tions about can­cer. Biden came out yes­ter­day announc­ing the goal is to cut can­cer by 50% in 25 years. The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment does­nt have any idea how to solve a virus or dis­ease. They have spent mil­lions of dol­lars on the virus. They have destroyed can­cer research. They increased the num­ber of diag­nosed can­cers. When you hear can­cer is stage 4 but because of the fear induced by COVID many patients avoid going to the doc­tors to get the diag­no­sis to save their lives. What they did to our kids, push­ing them back 2 decades. And in 5 years Ford will be 40% elec­tric and by 2035 GM will elim­i­nate the com­bus­tion engine. In CA you cant build a new gas sta­tion and But­te­gieg wants to fed­er­al­ize the CA reg­u­la­tions on ener­gy. How many times oncol­o­gists across this coun­try tell their patients, I wish you would have got­ten here soon­er.

They are claim­ing that Ukraine is real­ly mak­ing progress, the only prob­lem is there arent any jour­nal­ists on the front line, they have to take Zelen­skyys word for it.

But they have tamped down infla­tion right before the elec­tion and Zelen­skyy is mak­ing progress on the front line. Fet­ter­man is a woman. They want to defund the police, the bor­der, shrink­fla­tion.

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