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The Democrats are in Desperation, BKP’s big concern

Democ­rats are in des­per­a­tion. The big con­cern is that they are kick­ing in the Oper­a­tion Steal the 2022 Elec­tion because they are wor­ried this morn­ing. The demo­c­rat can­di­dates wont debate. Warnock tried to make it look like Her­schel Walk­er would not debate. Warnock was try­ing to set up debates with the deep state media. Walk­er’s team said no, we are not walk­ing into the attack. Warnock has had to accept the debate in Savan­nah in Octo­ber we will see how that plays out.

Demo­c­rat Hobbs refus­es to debate Lake in AZ for gov­er­nor. call­ing Kari Lake a con­spir­a­cy the­o­rist. Is the def­i­n­i­tion of con­spir­a­cy the­o­rist some­one call­ing the bor­der is not secure. Point­ing out the mirage they are try­ing to paint as the gas is com­ing down. Hobbs does­nt want to stand on the state and be con­front­ed by all the issues of the nation, drugs, chil­dren, bor­der, infla­tion, etc

Fet­ter­man in PA needs to debate more than once for the US sen­ate. Fet­ter­man being report­ed that he stam­mers appears con­fused and keeps his remarks short.

Ryan in OH wont debate Vance in OH for US Sen­ate.

Your top vot­ing block in the Unit­ed States is the senior cit­i­zens. The democ­rats cant come up with an issue that repub­li­cans want to push grand­ma over the cliff. But no one is talk­ing about prop­er­ty assess­ments and the schools rais­ing tax­es. So the seniors on fixed income are hav­ing to come out of retire­ment to make ends meet. Seniors are not con­cerned about cod­i­fy­ing Roe v Wade. They are con­cerned about the econ­o­my and hav­ing to find a job to pay the elec­tric bill.

You need to talk to your neigh­bor to stop this non­sense.

Crime is sky­rock­et­ing. Amer­i­cans are deal­ing with an enor­mous crime rate right now. And democ­rats are in des­per­a­tion and we cant take our foot off their throat right now. How safe is your city? Rob­bery soars by 13% and aggra­vat­ed assaults by 2.6% in big US cities so far this year. It is not the insur­rec­tion or jan 6 or cod­i­fy­ing Roe v Wade or sav­ing democ­ra­cy that is not the con­cern of Amer­i­cans. Fet­ter­man wants to reduce the prison pop­u­la­tion and release them back into the com­mu­ni­ties. Peo­ple are con­cerned in their neigh­bor­hoods and are con­cerned by peo­ple who want to let the bad guys out on the streets. Lis­ten to Man­dela Barnes, the cur­rent Lt Gov of Wis. cam­paign­ing for US Sen­ate, he wants to defund the police but wants a per­son­al secu­ri­ty detail. They are over and above us. Look how many times he backed the riot­ers in Kenosha.

Kamala in an inter­view say­ing we have a secure bor­der. Kamala has changed the def­i­n­i­tion of secure. Amer­i­cans want to put peo­ple in DC that will stop the crazy.

The des­per­a­tion in OH. Tim Ryan is try­ing every­thing to get the peo­ple out to vote. He is a demo­c­rat mem­ber of con­gress in OH run­ning against JD Vance. They are so wor­ried that democ­rats will come out and vote for JD Vance because Kamala came out to say that the bor­der is secure and seniors are hav­ing to get a job and the cra­zies are after our kids. They are in a sta­tis­ti­cal tie in OH for the Sen­ate seat. Ryan is on the Morn­ing Joe to whip up the crazy base and not talk about the econ­o­my and infla­tion. Ryan turned on the bor­der but did­n’t vote for the 87K IRS agents and sent mon­ey to Ukraine. IF he was tru­ly con­cerned about the bor­der as he states on Morn­ing Joe he would have sent the 87K bor­der patrol agents and shift­ed the mon­ey that is going to Ukraine to the bor­der. Let’s look for all the places where he calls fen­tanyl a weapon of mass destruc­tion. Lets see how many times he has defend­ed the bor­der patrol agents?

If you get on the debate stage and the repub­li­cans get an oppor­tu­ni­ty to say the 87K bor­der agents and bil­lions sent to Ukraine sent to the bor­der to secure the bor­der and stop the fen­tanyl that is com­ing across the bor­der.

They are in such des­per­a­tion in OH because Trump will hold a ral­ly this Sat­ur­day in Youngstown OH for JD Vance. They are so wor­ried in OH because of the fired up Trump ral­lies and infla­tion while the democ­rats arent excit­ed and are not ral­ly­ing behind their can­di­dates. The Trump ral­lies arent staged.

More repub­li­can mon­ey is flow­ing to the AZ Sen­ate race. A new PAC is send­ing mon­ey to Blake Mas­ters. Hobbs will not debate Kari Lake and Blake Mas­ters for the win in AZ.

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