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What the MSM doesn’t want to talk about

The democ­rats are in dis­ar­ray and are in pan­ic mode. They dont want to talk about

The US nation­al debt near­ing $31 tril­lion for the first time ever and is still ris­ing due to Joe Bidens semi­con­duc­tor vow, stu­dent loan for­give­ness and green new deal. We talked yes­ter­day about the Swiss bil­lion­aire Wyse that is fund­ing the democ­rats with mon­ey that cant be traced.

The Depart­ment of Jus­tice is politi­cized. The DOJ issues 40 sub­poe­nas and sizes phones of 2 Trump admin­is­tra­tion offi­cials as inves­ti­ga­tions into his attempt to over­turn the 2020 elec­tion.

Furi­ous par­ents blast Joe Bidens title 9 plans as a record-break­ing 184K com­ment on an insid­i­ous pro­pos­al to rede­fine gen­der iden­ti­ty. 60%+ wants some­one to stop the crazy. Biden admin­is­tra­tion on track to be most LGBTQ appoint­ments in his­to­ry. If the schools dont com­ply with the Gay Up Amer­i­ca plan they will hold fed­er­al fund­ing and school lunch­es.

Chuck Schumer push­ing to cod­i­fy gay mar­riage in con­gress this week. They are try­ing every­thing to ener­gize their base.

For­tu­nate­ly for the democ­rats they can get all the bad news off the air with the death of the queen. So if you for­get Afghanistan and you dont talk about 9/11 and AlQae­da and gloss over Beng­hazi and you have to remind peo­ple why you sent bil­lions to Ukraine. There arent any reporters on the front­line and no one can con­firm Zelen­skyys reports. They have to keep the cash cow on his side with the cold dis­as­trous win­ter com­ing in Europe.

Sept 13, stocks fall sharply after a key August infla­tion report comes in hot­ter than expect­ed. Infla­tion rose .1 per­cent even with a large drop in gas prices. They have come in every­day talk­ing about Joe Bidens wins. How infla­tion is mod­er­at­ing, or is it? They cre­ate these illu­sions. How the gas prices are falling. This morn­ing call­ing the mod­er­at­ed infla­tion a win for democ­rats just 2 months before an elec­tion. The truth is even with gas at 3.71, they hoped it would be low­er so the feds would­nt increase the inter­est rates. Feds expect­ed to raise inter­est rates next week. They tried every­thing to manip­u­late and cre­ate the illu­sion.

The inter­est rates have already put a hit on the mort­gage rates in Atlanta home sales

The racist divide in this coun­try that the democ­rats are doing in this coun­try on a dai­ly basis. Warnock wants to divide us. The democ­rats want to divide us. Her­schel Walk­er is right on tar­get with his lat­est cam­paign ad. While Bank of Amer­i­ca announces Com­mu­ni­ty Afford­able Loan Solu­tions for minori­ties. Chick-fil‑a is slammed as racist after telling black cus­tomers his com­mu­ni­ty would be the first to know when spicy chick­en nuggets return to its menu. Racial divide has to stop. Get over it.

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