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BKP talks to Rhonda Thomas with Truth in Education (truthineducation.org)

Amer­i­can know what is hap­pen­ing in our coun­try. The Biden admin­is­tra­tion on track to be the most LGBTQ inclu­sive in US His­to­ry. The LGBTQ appoint­ments in the Biden Har­ris admin­is­tra­tion is at 200 known as of April 29, 2021.

Andrew Clyde wrote a let­ter to Miguel Cradona, Sec­re­tary of Dept of Ed say­ing that we oppose the pro­posed rule change to rede­fine sex-based dis­crim­i­na­tion and sex-based harasse­ment under Title 9 of the Edu­ca­tion Amend­ments of 1972. The man that is the assis­tant Sec­re­tary of HHS, thinks he is a woman. The largest top­ic on his plate is to be in charge of the Health and Human Ser­vices in pub­lic schools.

The schools have switched to behav­ior and social emo­tion­al learn­ing. Teach­ers would like to teach and not social emo­tion­al learn­ing. It is all about chang­ing a child’s beliefs, behav­iors, atti­tudes, val­ues and doing so by desta­bi­liz­ing their emo­tions. A child leaves the home safe and loved. They enter the schools they are on an unlev­el play­ing field and they are being hit with things they can not com­pre­hend and they are kept in a height­ened state of anx­i­ety every day. There are dis­or­ders nev­er seen before in chil­dren such as PTSD and a lot of behav­ioral issues.

Par­ents are think­ing that the kids are get­ting the nat­ur­al social growth in our schools. What is going on in the schools and what do par­ents need to be on the look­out for in their book bags. Unfor­tu­nate­ly the infor­ma­tion is online and the cur­ricu­lum is all online and very sub­tle. The kids arent under­stand­ing what is hap­pen­ing. They are see­ing one of their friends going through the jour­ney of choos­ing whether they are a boy or a girl then in mid­dle school they see their friend go through a tran­si­tion. Chil­dren don’t have the crit­i­cal think­ing skills to process the social emo­tion­al learn­ing agen­da. It is even in our pre‑K class­es.

The Biden admin­is­tra­tion has threat­ened to take the lunch mon­ey if the schools dont abide by the rules for trans­gen­der agen­da. This is dan­ger­ous. It will harm our daugh­ters and affect their pri­va­cy. We dont know how it will affect our sons. How he could­n’t be accused of some­thing. What is this going to do when pedophil­ia comes to our schools. The sur­plus in our bud­get should go to our schools and turn down the fed­er­al funds to stop this total take over of the chil­dren. We are turn­ing into a ther­a­peu­tic edu­ca­tion. There isnt any­thing that is focused on read­ing and math. It is about emo­tions and behav­ior. We are cur­rent­ly feed­ing, cloth­ing and find­ing hous­ing for the kids. The last is the med­ical. The school based health clin­ics will be every­thing your child will need. In GA at age 13 the child can make out­pa­tient deci­sions to take med­ica­tion, what will hap­pen if the child thinks they want to tran­si­tion with­out the knowl­edge of the par­ents.

Truth in Edu­ca­tion does train­ing class­es. On Oct 22, there is an event with speak­ers to equip par­ents with the infor­ma­tion to con­nect the dots to feel empow­ered to make a dif­fer­ence. The tro­jan horse that is allow­ing all this to hap­pen in our schools is social emo­tion­al learn­ing.

The men­tal health bill HB1013 will help staff the men­tal health clin­ics in our schools. You dont hear any­thing about CORE com­pe­ten­cies, it’s all cul­tur­al com­pe­ten­cies and men­tal health. It starts at infan­cy. Will they have a men­tal health work­er for every new par­ent? If you can con­trol some­ones emo­tions you con­trol the child. Social emo­tion­al learn­ing helps find the iden­ti­ty of the chil­dren and they pro­mote it. Men­tal health is behav­ioral and it is the respon­si­bil­i­ty of the par­ents but the schools are tak­ing it over. The men­tal health bill will change the school based clin­ics.

We are mov­ing away from aca­d­e­mics and it is all about men­tal con­trol. There is a school in GA that is scan­ning a bar­code when the stu­dent does some­thing cor­rect, we are cre­at­ing a social cred­it score for our chil­dren.

Castel.org is the main social emo­tion­al frame­work that all edu­ca­tion­al plat­forms have to align with to be devel­oped.

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