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We want Fair Free Accurate Legal elections and leave our kids alone


You do not hear the men­tion of JD Vance. It is pos­si­ble they have thrown in the tow­el on the race in OH. It is pos­si­ble that it is a run away race. 

Oz in PA. The ogre with the hootie that wants to emp­ty out the pris­ons and wants safe drug injec­tions zones. In PA a bat­tle­ground state. 

We know they stole the 2020 elec­tion. We just want fair, free, accu­rate legal elec­tions. We will even say let the win­ner be declared the win­ner, even if it is a demo­c­rat. We just want to put peo­ple in place that will ensure a free fair, accu­rate hon­est elec­tion. The media wants to tell you that if we put these peo­ple in place the democ­ra­cy will end. Jamie Raskin from Mary­land says the elec­toral col­lege is an acci­dent wait­ing to hap­pen. He is on the Jan 6 spe­cial com­mit­tee. They want to end our con­sti­tu­tion­al repub­lic and want to turn the coun­try into a pop­u­lar vote democ­ra­cy. They don’t want Kansas to make unless they can make up a pho­ny false sto­ry about abor­tion. ID, IA, WY, KS to mat­ter they want the coasts to mat­ter. They want all the inner city pop­u­la­tion to mat­ter. We want to stop the fraud. We want to save the repub­lic, they want to turn it into a democ­ra­cy and they want to save the democ­ra­cy which we are not. Our found­ing fathers knew that a democ­ra­cy would not work, it would alien­ate states that are sparse­ly pop­u­lat­ed. The democ­rats are con­cerned about the peo­ple that are run­ning for Sec­re­tary of State being elec­tion deniers. 

Jonathan Swain at Axios is pret­ty good. There are a lot of times that when he ana­lyzes some­thing he goes down the mid­dle. You heard him say that the Trump ral­ly was packed to the rafters and that it is hard to judge where the left is because there isn’t any excite­ment among the sub­ur­ban moms and infla­tion is high. Sub­ur­ban moms are not hap­py about the gay avengers and are con­cerned about the indoc­tri­na­tion of their kids. The one in uni­form is the Asst Sec of the HHS and is in charge of admin­is­ter­ing the LGBTQ agen­da in our kids schools. 

Lousiana’s state super­in­ten­dent that the schools are under no oblig­a­tion to imple­ment a pro­pos­al by the Biden admin­is­tra­tion that could expan trans­gen­der student’s access to sports teams and bath­rooms that align with their gen­der iden­i­ty. This pro­pos­al will take away from fed­er­al mon­ey giv­en to the schools includ­ing the lunch pro­grams if the schools don’t adhere to the Biden exec­u­tive order pro­pos­al for the change in Title 9. The pro­pos­al would update the fed­er­al edu­ca­tion law that bans sex-based dis­crim­i­na­tion by extend­ing dis­crim­i­na­tion pro­tec­tions to LGBTQ stu­dents. The rule large­ly focus­es on undo­ing the Trump-era Title 9 rules that man­dates how schools must respond to reports of sex­u­al mis­con­duct in schools. They are wor­ried about sav­ing our democ­ra­cy and they are ok with the queers run­ning through our schools indoc­tri­nat­ing our kids. And you won­der why our teach­ers are burned out. 90% of our teach­ers want to teach our kids and they don’t want to deal with social emo­tion­al learn­ing. Rhon­da Thomas will be with us tomor­row at 9am to talk about social emo­tion­al learning. 

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