Home / Featured Segments / Benghazi was forgotten on MSM … the GAY avengers indoctrinate our kids

Benghazi was forgotten on MSM … the GAY avengers indoctrinate our kids

Not one net­work this week­end men­tioned Beng­hazi. They spent min­utes on 9/11 and hours on the death of the queen. Our ambas­sador was drug through the streets of Beng­hazi.. Susan Rice comes out to lie that Sun­day about what hap­pened. And now she is run­ning point in the White House. Joe Biden is not in charge of any­thing. Joe Biden is the third dog for Oba­ma, to the deep state. Susan Rice is run­ning point to the deep state, Oba­mas third term and the same time John Podes­ta is back in the White House to make sure he can steal your $370B for the Green New Deal.

Hunter Biden is a smoke screen. Hunter Biden is seri­ous but they know they can get your atten­tion with talk­ing about Bub­bling Biden and Jan 6 and the insur­rec­tion and 9/11 from for­eign ter­ror­ism to domes­tic ter­ror­ism. Nev­er thought they could go any low­er. As they are talk­ing about the insur­rec­tion and the doc­u­ments with the spe­cial mas­ter. Hunter Biden lap­top. Every ounce is a smoke screen. They talk about what they want you to believe Trump is guilty of because they want to divert you from what Biden and Hunter are guilty of. Mark War­ren, Sen­a­tor from VA, on the net­works say­ing that peo­ple can die. Its all over the media show­ing how the Ukrain­ian gov­ern­ment is push­ing back the Russ­ian troops and recap­tur­ing land in Ukraine. They want you to believe that Ukraine is mak­ing good use of the mon­ey. They need to pose for a pic­ture to send to the investors. The Amer­i­can peo­ple are catch­ing on to the mon­ey we have sent Ukraine.

The gay avengers of the White House have gayed up the whole admin­is­tra­tion.

The Christo­pher Mora vs Pick­ens Co Board of Elec­tions case to unseal the bal­lots. Brief expla­na­tion of the case on Fri­day lat­er in the show. There are sev­er­al miss under­stand­ings that need to get cleared up. The case was dis­missed.

They want you to believe things are going bet­ter because polls show.

When you think they cant go any low­er they actu­al­ly equat­ed 9/11 to Jan 6

Ford says that 40% of its glob­al sales will be elec­tric by 2030 and GM plans to phase out inter­nal com­bus­tion engines by 2035.

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