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BKP on the highlights of the week

If you were in Marthas Vine­yard this morn­ing. Watch­ing social media Amer­i­cans across this coun­try, peo­ple are tak­ing pic­tures of peo­ple get­ting off the bus­es to see if there are ille­gals get­ting off in your state. Remem­ber VP Har­ris came out this week say­ing that our bor­der is secure. So who dropped off the bus loads of ille­gals at Kamalas front door. Some say 2 mil­lion and some say 5 mil­lion have crossed our bor­der, no mat­ter if it is a cri­sis. Biden called it a polit­i­cal stunt, but the peo­ple at the bor­der dont think it is a stunt.

A lot is going on in pol­i­tics. Fet­ter­man says he will debate Dr. Oz. and Her­schel walk­er and warnock com­ing up in GA. infla­tion is on the rise. Whey did Lind­sey Gra­ham pro­pose a 15 week ban on abor­tion.

If you are in Marthas vine­yard today. You need to be neigh­bor­ly to the ille­gals. Don’t wor­ry about the crime in your neigh­bor­hood because of who is there. You dont have to wor­ry about all that stuff.

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