Home / News / Big Trouble with Joe Biden as Commander in Chief

Big Trouble with Joe Biden as Commander in Chief

We are in big trou­ble with Joe Biden as Com­man­der in Chief, know­ing he has demen­tia and talk­ing about Tai­wan and Chi­na. The drugs that he has to stay on to stay lucid, his eyes are black. Who is in the dri­ver’s seat? KJP says that Biden did­nt mean to say that COVID is over and blames it on being dis­tract­ed by the cars at the Detroit Car Show.

Biden says he is com­mit­ted to One Chi­na pol­i­cy at a UN speech just days after answer­ing yes when asked whether US forces would defend Tai­wan in the event of a Chi­nese inva­sion. No one cares what the UN says. They dont care to get their dues. Rus­sia and Chi­na still have veto pow­er on the UN secu­ri­ty coun­cil if there is ever a res­o­lu­tion. They did­nt kick Rus­sia out of the UN. We have always had a One Chi­na Pol­i­cy, where we dont get involved. Biden said the oth­er night that he is ready to go to war with Chi­na to defend Tai­wan. They had to walk the state­ment back.

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