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Today’s Highlights: Border, Abortion, Election, and more


How come peo­ple aren’t talk­ing about the peo­ple that are dying at the bor­der. Exceed­ing last year’s total. Joe Biden April of last year say­ing the bor­der is under con­trol. Yet we have his­toric num­bers of ille­gals and deaths at the bor­der this year. Democ­rats com­ing out say­ing they can fill our work­force. Fen­tanyl, no prob­lem. Car­tels, no prob­lem. Car­tels run­ning the border. 

Now Con­gress wants to inves­ti­gate Ron DeSan­tis Martha’s Vine­yard flight. Ben­ny Thomp­son wants to open an inves­ti­ga­tion to Ron DeSan­tis for human traf­fick­ing. Maybe Ben­nie Thompson’s time would have been bet­ter spent address­ing the water cri­sis in Jack­son MS, where he is the Representative. 

The Texas Sher­iff reports that the ille­gals are com­ing over because the bor­der is open. 

Stacey Abrams wants to keep abor­tion on the bal­lot. Stacey Abrams says there is no such thing as a heart­beat at 6 weeks. A Recent AJC poll: Vot­ers top issues. They want you to think that Threats to democ­ra­cy is #2. The way they are fram­ing the ques­tion, it is con­fus­ing. Repub­li­cans are con­cerned that our con­sti­tu­tion­al repub­lic is a thing of the past. Guns, Crime, cli­mate change, and abor­tion at the bot­tom of the poll. Abor­tion is only 5%. They are hop­ing that Guns, cli­mate Change, and abor­tion are on the ballot. 

Some­one is fol­low­ing John Fet­ter­man every­day and ask­ing him if he will debate Dr. Oz. He will not acknowl­edge the media and won’t answer the ques­tion. You see how the hood­ie is bunched up around his neck. They are very con­cerned about this Orge, hood­ie bunched up around his neck or he wears a horse collar. 

House Free­dom cau­cus plots return to rel­e­vance. It is unknown if Kevin McCarthy is speak­er of the House when repub­li­cans gain con­trol of the House in Novem­ber. Ultra Maga isn’t hap­py with his performance. 

Pain at the pump is back. Gas isn’t drop­ping. They have lev­eled out with the nation­al aver­age at $3.68

James Comey ex-FBI Direc­tor announces to write 2 crime thriller novels. 

NY AG refers the Trump fam­i­ly to fed­er­al pros­e­cu­tors and the IRS. They are try­ing to destroy Trump. There is an indict­ment watch. The appeals court gave the green light to the DOJ to review the doc­u­ments at Mar-a-Lago. Gin­ny Thomas, wife of Clarence Thomas, has agreed to talk to the Jan 6 committee. 

If Pence could not do any­thing, if mem­bers of con­gress could not object to the elec­toral col­lege count and Mike Pence did not have the author­i­ty to send it back to the states then why are these pro­posed amend­ments need­ed. Pro­posed changes: high­er thresh­old to object, enforc­ing states vote-coun­ty (so the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment telling the states how they can count the votes), and clar­i­fy­ing VP roles. If there is a need for these changes, could Pence have done some­thing different. 

After Novem­ber 8 is all for­giv­en? If Bri­an Kemp is gov­er­nor again, Burt Jones is Lt Gov, Brad Raf­fensperg­er is SOS and Chris Carr is AG and Richard Woods State Super­in­ten­dent and John King Insur­ance Com­mis­sion­er. I hear all the time that peo­ple will not reward Bri­an Kemp for trea­son. This isn’t Stacey Abrams any­thing. BKP gets numer­ous texts say­ing that they can not reward Bri­an Kemp for treason. 

Go look this sto­ry up. Out­raged as lib­er­al 41 years old AND motorist is freed from jail on $50K bond after plow­ing down a repub­li­can teenag­er dur­ing a polit­i­cal argu­ment. Fatal­ly strik­ing 18 year old fol­low­ing a polit­i­cal argu­ment. A lib­er­al wako ran the kid over. If this had been a turn of events. Won­der if this is the Ultra Lib­er­al we have to cleanse this coun­try of. 

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