Home / News / We are in a recession, Trump knew it, We know it

We are in a recession, Trump knew it, We know it

Wheres Raphael? We can find every­thing on Stacey say­ing that the 6 week heart­beat is a man­u­fac­tured sound. We can find Fet­ter­man more than Raphael.

Bil­lion­aire investor Carl Icahn wants the worst has yet to come. Trump has always come out to say the econ­o­my would be a V‑shape. Trump was ready for it. The sup­ply chain, the work­ers, and what hap­pens in Novem­ber, the stolen elec­tion. Is it a dis­ease, elec­tion deniers? 36% of those run­ning for elec­tion ful­ly deny the elec­tion. We are in a reces­sion. Trump knew a reces­sion was right around the cor­ner. The US Stocks fall sharply, hit­ting low­est lev­el since 2020. The British pound plum­mets to a record low.

They want you to believe that 54% believe that Trump threat­ened Amer­i­can democ­ra­cy. But the real­i­ty is it is cost­ing more to live and busi­ness­es are hav­ing to make changes to cut spend­ing. The con­struc­tion and mort­gage com­pa­nies are tak­ing big hits.

We have the clear­est checklist/test repub­li­cans have ever had. It is very easy to cleanse the repub­li­can par­ty.

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