Home / News / We have to prepare for the cold winter, the illusion of the false economy

We have to prepare for the cold winter, the illusion of the false economy

We are in a reces­sion. We are Elec­tion Denal­ist, we suf­fer from elec­tion denial­ism. We’ve watched Trump say the stock mar­ket will crash.

We have to pre­pare for the cold win­ter, an arti­cle from Google. Employ­ees should­nt equate fun with mon­ey. We have lost a whole gen­er­a­tion of work­ers. We will see the chil­dren of this coun­try hav­ing to work again. Employ­ees of Google com­plained as Google restricts ben­e­fits for trav­el and enter­tain­ment. Big Mon­ey will take care of itself. Lit­tle mon­ey will cause you to go broke. If Google is say­ing it is time we all pull togeth­er. If you dont think com­pa­nies arent sit­ting down hav­ing meet­ings to fig­ure out how to emerge out of this econ­o­my.

I hope that I am wrong. #1 They are going to keep things propped up until Christ­mas. They are going to try to keep the banks from call­ing you. They will try to keep the false econ­o­my float­ing until after christ­mas. The econ­o­my after that Year 2023. You will see the announce­ment like you would not believe. #2 the most dan­ger­ous place we can be regard­less of who wins the elec­tion. BKP believes the repub­li­cans will win the house and sen­ate. Nov 9 to Jan, the 2 month span is dan­ger­ous. Where so many repub­li­cans wont see an elec­tion for 6 more years. They can vote for any­thing and do it. Some have six years and some dont care and they can vote any­way they feel.

This is an illu­sion. State of GA ran near­ly a $6.6 bil­lion tax sur­plus in fis­cal 2022. This is not real mon­ey, we print­ed. We print­ed it by the tril­lions and tril­lions of dol­lars. We have infla­tion that is enor­mous. That 6.6 bil­lion is 4.8 bil­lion worth of stuff, it is mon­ey that was print­ed and cir­cu­lat­ed through a sys­tem that was cre­at­ed. Bri­an Kemp knew the mon­ey was out there and if every­thing stayed open. You do real­ize that the box stores were called essen­tials. Wal­mart did not close, nei­ther did home depot, lowes. Kemp is cam­paign­ing on how he brought busi­ness back to GA.

If you paid over MSRP for a vehi­cle. You have to think about how we got here in the car indus­try. Tai­wan holds the world’s chips, the smart chips we need for vehi­cles. All of a sud­den there is a move from Chi­na onto Tai­wan. The next thing we know we dont have enough chips dur­ing the pan­dem­ic. Won­der if, back when the pan­dem­ic hap­pened, some­one said that isnt the per­fect tim­ing to intro­duce peo­ple into the EV world. As inven­to­ry declines and cant get new vehi­cles. Cant find on the inter­net the 30K peo­ple laid off because of the inven­to­ry. Now the inven­to­ry is grow­ing a lit­tle bit. And now the inter­est rates have got­ten so high. The inter­est rates have got­ten so high that it has wiped out all the rais­es. Bat­tery plants are begin­ning to be built. If you want a car you might be forced into an elec­tric vehi­cle. But­teigeg explaines to Tex­as­an they should buy elec­tric vehi­cles. Sup­ply down, inven­to­ry down, inter­est rates up, bat­tery plants being built and the tran­si­tion right before your eyes. Do elec­tric vehi­cles need a chip?

Every GOP in Amer­i­ca should stand at the door and ask one ques­tion if not answered cor­rect­ly they should be turned away.

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