Home / Featured Segments / MSM reports on UKRAINE while FENTANYL pours across our border endangering our kids

MSM reports on UKRAINE while FENTANYL pours across our border endangering our kids

They are try­ing to make some­thing out of noth­ing. They are beg­ging you to look at some­thing else. Jake Sul­li­van was on all the net­works this week­end. Biden admin requests bil­lions more in Ukraine aid. WE have a cri­sis at the south­ern bor­der. WE have infla­tion that is rapid. Let’s talk about Liz Chaney, Rus­sia, Ukraine, Jan 6. They talked about Putin and his nuclear threat. Jan 6 expect­ed to hold the final hear­ing on wednes­day. They are doing every­thing they can to get some excite­ment in the demo­c­rat par­ty. Zelen­skyy was on face the nation beg­ging for mon­ey.

They want you to believe that Trump is guilty of crimes. They are try­ing to change the sub­ject, every one of them. We are in a reces­sion. The UK has prob­lems, Europe has prob­lems, We have prob­lems.

You hear a lot about Rus­sia call­ing up 300K of their nation­al guard, and see­ing Rus­sians not want­i­ng to serve. This week­end all the net­works bring on Zelen­sky and Jake Sul­li­van, this is some­thing the repub­li­cans agree on. They are going to see bil­lions. They cre­ate the mass graves that they are uncov­er­ing. Isnt it inter­est­ing that Ukraine is win­ning back ter­ri­to­ry accord­ing to the news. They are show­ing that Rus­sia is los­ing the war. That Rus­sia has lost favor with India and Chi­na. We have rea­son to hope that Ukraine is going to put shem out. If you can find these mass graves, where are they? Either the chil­dren are in cages or being whipped at the bor­der or they are in the mass graves. Wehn Ukraine start­ed this bat­tle there were reports, uncon­firmed, that Ukraine killed 9–12K Russ­ian troops. You would think they would want to show you the mass graves or if the Rus­sians sent their bod­ies back for mil­i­tary funer­als. So where it would leak out is that Rus­sians buried troops. They say they are hold­ing a ref­er­en­dum over there to annex these regions, there has been a plan in place to annex regions of Ukraine. They are try­ing to get you to believe so many dif­fer­ent things except the truth. They dont want you to look at the real prob­lem. Repub­li­cans will have a major land­slide.

With the bor­der and Ron DeSan­tis open­ing the eyes of many with the ille­gals to Marthas Vine­yard. The fen­tanyl com­ing across the bor­der as schools are com­bat­ing it with Nar­can. Fen­tanyl has 50x more potent than hero­in. It has been locat­ed in 18 dif­fer­ent states, 40% increase in fen­tanyl deaths. The schools need more resources, what if instead of 87K more IRS agents. And what if instead of bil­lions more going to Ukraine and 87K IRS agents, they send the mon­ey to secure our bor­der and stop the fen­tanyl com­ing across. And still the net­works are play­ing the need for Ukraine Aid.

They dont talk about the fen­tanyl at the bor­der but they talk about how the ille­gals can solve our work­force prob­lem, sup­ply chain issues and bring down infla­tion. In 2016 there were a mil­lion com­ing across the bor­der where it peaked. Trump brought it down to 240K a year and they want you to believe it was because of the pan­dem­ic. We had the safest, more secure bor­der. We were well on our way to secur­ing our bor­der and Biden has opened it up to 2.4 mil­lion in one year not count­ing the got­aways. Chuck Todd say­ing more migrants can help solve the coun­try’s more press­ing prob­lems. And,we have a nar­can vend­ing machine in the schools, fire­hous­es in Amer­i­ca stock­ing up and kids putting nar­can for over­dos­es in their glove box to help save some­one’s life. Rain­bow fen­tanyl is killing our kids just in time for Hal­loween.

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