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BKP talks to Dr. Alveda C. King, chair of Center of the American Dream at AFPI


The Chair of the Cen­ter of the Amer­i­can Dream and the Amer­i­can First Pol­i­cy Insti­tute, Dr. Alve­da C. King. 

Warnock on Abor­tion, even God gave us a choice. The pas­tor needs to change his Bible to the Holy Bible or reread the Bible. There is an arti­cle on Rollingout.com where Her­schel Walk­er answers the hard questions. 

Her­schel made a point to Warnock. He repent­ed and got help. He and his first wife and her hus­band and his wife have out­ings and fam­i­ly events. Does Warnock know about redemp­tion? Her­schel has repent­ed and he has been for­giv­en and he has a healthy rela­tion­ship with his first wife. 

Abrams said that the heart­beat is a man­u­fac­tured sound at 6 weeks to take rights away from women. The woman has a choice to do what she wants to do with her body but not the baby’s body. It is a known fact that a woman can only get preg­nant for 5 days in a month. Abrams is going against God and sci­ence with that statement. 

Are we as divid­ed in this coun­try as the media and the democ­rats want to lead us to be or are they try­ing to cre­ate these divi­sions? I am a moth­er and grand­moth­er that wants the coun­try to be safe. I serve God first. I believe it will be very impor­tant whether he intends to or not but we need to come togeth­er in uni­ty. It is unfor­tu­nate that Biden decid­ed to say what he did about MAGA repub­li­cans. It was hurtful. 

It is hor­ri­ble what we are doing to our chil­drens. Every­body prays and trusts in God. Pray for life from the womb to the tomb. 

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