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The Next Four Weeks will be about Climate Change

Our goal is to bring peo­ple good infor­ma­tion.

US oil prices set­tle above $80 due to Hur­ri­cane Ian. We opened up this morn­ing dis­cussing the hur­ri­cane but the left is try­ing to politi­cize it. The democ­rats were pray­ing that some­thing would hap­pen. There isnt enough time to show data of things get­ting bet­ter before the elec­tion. There is a month and a cou­ple of weeks. And not enough time for the news­casts where peo­ple are feel­ing bet­ter. All they could do is hope and pray that some­thing would hap­pen that they could turn in their favor to some­thing you could accept. They tried to run the abor­tion as a top issue but it was­nt accept­ed. Its crime that is the top issue. They will start blam­ing the hur­ri­cane. And thank­ing Joe Biden for the fore­sight in the Infla­tion Reduc­tion Act for the invest­ment in the cli­mate. There will be ref­er­ences to cli­mate change and this hur­ri­cane will be the rea­son for the high­er food prices.

They will get Joe to look like he is part of the team and that he is in charge. But he will be wear­ing his track­ing device. He does not know how to get off the stage. This is the guy that is call­ing the shots. The same guy that cant get off the stage yes­ter­day warn­ing the oil and gas com­pa­nies, do not use this as an excuse to raise gas prices and gauge the Amer­i­can peo­ple. Remem­ber he sent a harsh let­ter, then he went to Sau­di Ara­bia to beg for them to pump more oil. The good news: Flori­da, Ron DeSan­tis is in charge. The media will try to show that Biden is the full force of the gov­ern­ment.

The next four weeks will be about cli­mate change. Say­ing the guy had the fore­sight to pass the Infla­tion Reduc­tion Act. Won­der how many peo­ple and how many shows will be about cli­mate change. This is what will hap­pen, are you ready, human caused cli­mate change and luck­i­ly we have Joe Biden instead of Don­ald Trump and we have made an invest­ment. They are so excit­ed in news rooms right now. They will explore the dam­age and it will push most pol­i­tics off the page and they are hop­ing to change the con­ver­sa­tion. Mark down how many times you hear from the talk­ing heads this week­end, the rea­son why they took on cli­mate change.

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