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The Media will Politicize the Hurricane and turn to Climate Change

Hur­ri­cane Ian hits the South­west Flori­da coast. Those of you like us in North GA are in the path of the evac­u­a­tions from the hur­ri­cane please be kind and patient with the increased traf­fic on the roads and gro­cery stores.

There is a polit­i­cal side to the hur­ri­cane. They will try to make Joe Biden sound lucid and take pic­tures of the stag­ing of Joe Biden with the FEMA emer­gency jack­et. He will say that he is in con­stant con­tact with the may­ors. The media will work very hard to make Joe Biden look like he can han­dle a cri­sis. They will run the com­pa­ra­bles of Trump v Biden. Democ­rats see this as a gift. Infla­tion is off the screen, Gas prices are off the screen and turn it around how Joe Biden responds in a cri­sis in Amer­i­ca. There will be shows after shows of pres­i­den­tial response to hur­ri­canes. The good news is that Gov­er­nor Ron DeSan­tis is in charge.

The real sto­ry is Venice — Fort Char­lotte — Fort Myers. There is not good news com­ing out of the area. Water res­cues under­way as sur­vivors are trapped in their homes. On the scene reports this week­end.

The polls are wrong. It seems that there is excit­ing news for Bri­an Kemp but he has to be care­ful and trou­bling news for Warnock.

Warnock say­ing even God gave us a choice on abor­tion on a tweet. This is trou­bling for a man that says he is a man of God and a pas­tor to stand in the pul­pit and say this. Warnock is at a ral­ly for Seniors this week, he is try­ing to scare the seniors to vote to tell them that social secu­ri­ty and medicare is going to be cut. They do not let you know pri­or to speak­ing where he will be. These are very closed ral­lies. This is a cho­sen group that he talks too. The tweet — I have always believed that a patients room is way too small for a woman, her doc­tor and the US gov­ern­ment.

Stacey Abrams say­ing that the baby heart­beats arent real but a man­u­fac­tured sound designed to take away wom­ens rights.

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